Chapter One

“What am I doing here?” Lucas Slater muttered as he stared at the arching sign over the entrance of the trailer park.

Smashland Mobile Park, it read.

As he hit the gas to roll over the gravel road under the sign, he couldn’t help but feel an eerie connection to this place.

How could he not? It looked similar to one of the trailer parks he had grown up around.

He’d traveled straight from Cheyenne for this job, but as he looked around, he wondered why the hell someone better equipped hadn’t been hired instead of him. This wasn’t his normal assignment.

His phone rang, and he saw the name on the caller ID.


He rejected the call before the irritating ring could dredge his animal up even more than he already was.

Something was wrong here.

Lucas parked in front of a firepit. Around the gravel semicircle behind it, six single-wides sat against the backdrop of a Rocky Mountain sunset.

The one on the right was cream-colored with forest-green shutters.

Chills lifted the fine hairs on his forearms. It was so…familiar.

In front of the last trailer on the right, the one that was pulled off farther into the woods, there was a man who was sweeping the gravel with a broom.

Lucas frowned and shoved his door open. The man stopped what he was doing. He leaned on the broom, and his bright-green eyes found Lucas.

“I can’t even fuckin’ believe it worked.” Mmm. He’d said it at normal volume, even far away, which meant the man knew Lucas was a shifter like him.

Lucas strode across the gravel, scanning his surroundings in case this was an ambush. That had happened before.

He sniffed the air and caught a whiff of dominance and fur.

“Where’s your Alpha?” he asked as he approached.

“Ain’t got no Alpha.” The man’s dead green eyes bored straight through him.

Lucas called him on his bullcrap. “Every Crew has an Alpha. Where is he?”

An empty smile painted the man’s face. “If we had an Alpha, it would be a ‘she,’ and trust me when I say you don’t want anything to do with her.” He went back to sweeping the gravel. “She’s fuckin’ mean.”

Lucas watched him for a few seconds. “What are you doing?”

“Evening out the gravel.”

“You don’t have a rake?”

“Imagine me coming to your house uninvited and telling you everything you’re doing wrong.”

“Your Crew caught the attention of the boss.”

“The boss,” he murmured softly.

“Are you the one who killed him?” Lucas asked.

“Killed who?” The feign of innocence in the man’s voice grated on Lucas’s last nerve.