He started to call Sydni on his handheld but cancelled the call before it could connect. There was something bothering him about her attitude toward Micki and entrusting her with the tasks he wanted done felt wrong, even if the action items weren’t about Micki specifically. He’d have to reassign Sydni elsewhere in the Benfield Corporation after the cruise was done. He’d instruct HR to find her a plum job in recognition of her past service, with a big raise. Josh had been clear when he hired her he didn’t get personally involved with his employees and reviewing his interactions with her now he couldn’t see anything on his part which would have encouraged Sydni to think the situation had changed.

Irritated by his train of thought, he initiated an interstellar com to his executive assistant at corporate, a lovely older woman named Mrs. Ford, Lorelai Ford. She was efficient, smart, creative and loyal and if he had his choice she’d be with him now, but for health reasons she didn’t travel off the planet.

“Mr. Benfield, what a surprise. How is the tour going?” she asked as soon as the com connected.

“You mean you haven’t been watching my attempt at interstellar dancing?” he asked with a mock frown.

She laughed. “Of course I have, and voting too. Your partner is exquisite.”

“I’m lucky to have her,” he said. “I need a few things done as soon as possible.”

“All right.” She was matter of fact. He was surprised she didn’t ask him why Sydni wasn’t handling the action items but he reflected Lorelai probably understood the situation pretty clearly. “I’m ready, sir.”

“I want a tiger team working on the issue of the Displaced Persons Resettlement Camps and how Benfield can leverage the resource to our advantage and to benefit the individuals in the camps. I’ll need the complete background, the obstacles, the success factors?—”

“In short, the usual deep dive,” she said, having set up many of these teams for him in years past. She knew the drill.

“Tell the team lead I’m firmly convinced there are valuable people wasting away in the DPRC’s which hurts them and the Sectors and creates opportunities for us. The team needs to evaluate our corporate colonies, our operations and any other opportunities. Obviously we can’t empty out the camps and there will be people who don’t fit any requirement of ours but I’d like a comprehensive plan to present to the Sectors. I want the preliminary report ready by the time I return to corporate.”

Lorelai suggested several individuals who could lead the team and he liked them all for different reasons. After a short discussion he made his selection and moved on to the next item.

“I want to make a personal million credit donation to the Sectors Interstellar Relief Fund but there are conditions,” he said. “I want to the entire donation to be directed to the DPRC here on Eynman Four and to be under the control of one Willene Gauman. I’m to receive reports quarterly.”

“No problem. Anything else tonight?”

“There’s a girl in the local camp, Feia something. Willene will know the name. I want to fund a full ride scholarship for her to the Inner Sectors Elite Dance Academy. It’ll be necessary to get her accepted there but I’m sure a Benfield scholarship will remove barriers. You can throw in a donation or another scholarship to be awarded by them if necessary. Now her entire family will also have to be removed from the camp and relocated on a suitable world, with the resources to thrive.”

“Interesting assignment,” Lorelai said. “I’ll enjoy this one.”

“I saw the girl dance today and she has real talent. I’m not asking them to accept a less than optimal candidate. I want them to give her a chance—it’ll be on Feia to succeed or fail once she’s there.”

“And you want regular reports on her progress?” his assistant asked.

“Absolutely. That’s all for now. Thank you.” He signed off and turned to see Micki standing in the doorway watching him.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she said, coming to the couch. “But I’m thrilled you did. Feia will be ecstatic.”

He shrugged as she sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck. “If the girl is as good as you claim, it would be a crime to deprive the galaxy of her talent, right?”

For answer Micki kissed him long and deep. “You’re a pretty special guy, Josh Benfield,” she said when they came up for air.

“I do my best.”

“Your best is very, very good.” Now her tone was teasing. “I couldn’t sleep in a giant bed all alone. Care to join me?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” With her in his arms he rose and headed for the bedroom and the possibilities of the night.

Micki was in her own quarters for a change, mulling over the ideas for the fourth competitive dance. Her dreams had been muddled, which she attributed to the stress of visiting the camp yesterday and also the nature of the fourth round, which was a complicated, extremely fast moving dance with intricate steps. Josh was not a twinkletoes as even he would admit. There was no opportunity for using his athleticism either. The dance had to be performed precisely or the judges would mark off points. The dance had to be entertaining or the audience would vote for another couple. She sighed and sipped her tea. Nothing was jelling. With a swipe of her hand she banished her demo holo figures and left the table. She’d rather be with Josh. It had been hard to leave him after breakfast but she’d couldn’t get the choreo done in his presence and she owed it to him to do her usual good job.

“Maeve, can you show me some typical dances from the era when this damn dance was created?” she asked the ever obliging AI.

Holographic figures began swirling all around her in the confines of the cabin and she studied them with a frown. Josh would simply have to learn how to do the intricate steps.

They were so screwed.

“You have an interplanetary message waiting,” Maeve said.

Blinking in surprise, Micki retrieved her handheld and checked. There was a two sentence message from Denzin.