Rubbing her legs, Micki said, “They were worried about Minorva being a soldier.” She decided not to pass along the warning, which had upset her more than she cared to admit, after her rant earlier in the day about Josh not bringing more security.

“Ex soldier,” the bodyguard said, unsmiling.

The room remained empty of anyone other than themselves. No student entered. Willene had a troubled expression on her face and finally said, “I’d heard a rumor Paulu might have joined the Blades. I was hoping I was wrong but if he did, you won’t see him again, Micki.”

“I can wait a little longer.” She pressed her fingers to her temples and tried to wish away the building tension headache.

“What are the Blades?” Josh asked quietly.

“A gang.” Willene was matter of fact. “The young men have nothing to occupy themselves here, no hope of advanced schooling much less good jobs. Only about 10% of the camp residents manage to get out of here and move on, sometimes more, sometimes less. And last year we had a fever sweeping the camp, which reduced our population, sadly. Mostly the elderly and infirm. The Sectors sent in a team of doctors and nurses but there wasn’t much to be done. People with no hope lack the incentive to cling to life when they become so ill.”

Micki began packing up her things. “There are three gangs in the camp currently, centered around the three planets from which most of the residents were evacuated months or even years ago. A boy—or girl—can earn credits in a gang. Someone has their back. They start to think of it as a substitute family.” She cut herself off abruptly. “We should go.”

Minorva was in her face. “You knew there were active gangs in this fucking place and yet you talked Mr. Benfield out of adequate protection? What the seven hells were you thinking?”

Josh interposed himself between the two. “She was thinking she’s never had any problems. Let’s just get ourselves to the gate.” He nodded to Willene. “It was a pleasure meeting you.” Taking Micki’s elbow, he escorted her from the room and through the corridors to the street. Minorva stayed close on their heels, her hand on the butt of her blaster.

The street was nearly empty, which unnerved Micki. At this hour there should still be people out and about. As they walked, she noticed the absence of the official guards, which further upset her. Someone had either created a diversion to draw them off or paid a bribe to keep the patrol out of the area. She turned to Josh. “I don’t like this.”

“Keep walking,” he said. “And stay alert.”

But trouble was suddenly upon them, a group of older teenage boys strutting into the street ahead of them. Minorva swore. “We’ve got a pack behind as well, dammit.”

“You can’t leave so soon,” said the boy who appeared to be the leader. “We have a party prepared for you, Miss Teacher and Mister Rich Man. Refusing our hospitality wouldn’t be a good idea.” He flourished a black market blaster, accurate enough at this range. Micki wondered how many of the others were similarly armed. Could Josh and Minorva shoot enough of them fast enough to do any good? She was horrified at her own thoughts. This couldn’t be happening. She was sure she was going to throw up at any second.

“We should take our business out of the street,” the boy said in a menacing tone.

“Not happening,” Josh said. “You’re going to let us pass and we’ll all forget this ever happened.”

“Now you see I can’t do that,” was the leader’s answer. “Not until you pay my toll and gentlemen don’t discuss credits in public.” He motioned with his weapon. “Let’s move it before this gets ugly.”

Josh and Minorva flanked Micki, the security guard watching the rear. Micki was praying to the Lords of Space for something, anything to happen to break the impasse. Josh clearly wasn’t going to allow himself or her to be taken and there was going to be a slaughter right here in the middle of the camp.

“Doing a bit of free lancing, Kielio?” A tall, scarred man in an expensive business suit sauntered onto the street between Josh and the gang leader. He made a tsking sound. “Now you know we frown on this kind of thing. There’s no grab authorized for today, certainly not by you.”

Unable to believe her eyes as this figure from her past intervened, she blinked hard but he was still there, standing casually, facing down the gang. She’d prayed for help but never expected this.

The boy was unwisely arguing with the newcomer. “Aww, we didn’t mean no harm. Rich Dancer Man can afford to cough up the big credits to buy his way out of here. It’s an opportunity, man. Too big to pass up once I heard he was here with only one damn bodyguard.”

“And it’s inconsequential to you the lady with him is my sister?” the man in the suit said in a soft, dangerous voice.

“Your—your sister?” All the bravado and swagger had deserted the gangbanger and his face paled. “Man, I had no idea. I didn’t know?—"

“Other than Kielo here, I haven’t bothered to check faces,” Interrupting his pleading, the other said in a slightly louder voice. “If the rest of you leave now, there’ll be no repercussions.”

The street was suddenly empty as the gang members fled the scene.

Neither Josh nor Minorva relaxed.

“You’ve had your chance and blew it.” There was a muffled sound of a blaster and Kielo pitched over onto the ground, his cheap blaster flying on impact. Speaking to the empty street, the unfazed newcomer said, “This trash and his toy weapon need to disappear before the next patrol comes though. Am I clear?”

Without waiting for an answer, the man pivoted. Although sickened by what had happened, Micki surged forward and threw her arms around his neck. “Denzin, what are you doing here?”

“Saving your boyfriend’s ass apparently,” he said, returning her hug. “Not a smart move, coming in without more security.” He was speaking to Josh. “Lucky for you I was here on business and caught wind of Kielo’s grandiose kidnap plan. Kid was a damn hothead.”

“It was my fault.” Micki was fighting tears and reaction. “I had no idea—I never had trouble here.”

“Unless I’ve missed something you’re not worth a solar system’s ransom either, sweetheart. Priceless to me and all who know you but not payable in credits.” Denzin took her hand and pulled her forward. “We need to be out of the camp quickly now. You’re safe enough in my company but it’s better if you’re gone sooner than later.”