Unable to hold back any longer, he swept her off her feet and held her tight. “You could make even an obscure antique dance astounding, I’m sure.” He intended to kiss her on the lips but at the last second she turned her head so he landed the caress on her cheek. In his exuberance he’d forgotten she didn’t want to be too open about the change their relationship had undergone. He wanted the galaxy to know she was his but he had to respect her wishes, so unlike every other woman he’d ever dated, all of whom wanted it known they were in a relationship with Josh Benfield of the Benfields. And hoped no doubt to make it more.

Like a mother hen or a sheep dog, the AD was collecting the pairs and herding them into their places to go onstage for the finale where the winner and the eliminated couple would be announced. Josh and Micki walked out to renewed applause and took their places, waiting for the final verdict with the audience votes added in. It was all supposed to be aboveboard and fair but there had been incidents in the past where ISD had done some shocking eliminations and surprising winners. A contestant had to be prepared for anything, which went against his grain. He and his brothers ensured life unfolded its surprises their way once they were adults and could influence events and people.

“And the winners are Josh and Micki,” the hosts announced in their singsong style, to huge applause from the local audience.

This week’s eliminated couple was a singer and her partner, who quarreled and made up in the confession cameo holos every week. Josh supposed the audience or the showrunner or both had gotten tired of the predictability. The singer had had a few hits in the last five years but never quite made it into the top of her business and Josh hoped for her sake she and her management could leverage this relatively brief exposure on ISD to re-energize her career. She’d been pleasant to the other contestants and not a troublemaker. She floated away in the elimination antigrav bubble and the show ended.

The AD was in their faces immediately. “Don’t forget you have to do the winners’ interviews tomorrow morning. I’ve sent reminders to your handhelds—no drama this time, promise me.”

Josh and Micki agreed to be on time or even early and then they were released.

“You’re coming to my suite, right?” he asked Micki.

“If I’m invited,” she said, head tilted, one eyebrow raised.

“Absolutely. Let’s get these damn costumes off and go straight up there.” Impatience to have Micki all to himself in private rode him hard and apparently she was in a similar mood because less than five minutes later they were walking into his luxurious cabin on Level A. “I need a shower before anything else,” he said, stripping off his shoes and tossing them on the deck. Stretching a bit to get his shirt off, he winced.

“Sore?” Micki asked with concern, eyeing the way he was moving. She stripped off her top and shimmied out of her pants, to stand deliciously naked in front of him.

The effect on his cock was immediate and noticeable, tenting his pants. “I felt something pop when I did the last jump to the top level of the set,” he said, trying to work out the knots in his shoulders. “I hadn’t recovered from rehearsals either.”

“Hot shower first and then I’ll give you a massage,” she offered. “We can’t afford for you to be too tight. We have to do a new routine in a week you know.”

He snagged her hand. “Massage sounds terrific. Join me in the shower first? There’s room.”

Micki ran her hand over the bulge in his sweatpants, gripping him through the thick material. “Maybe I can do something about this problem for you as well.”

He picked her up as she jumped, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he kissed her. Walking carefully with his precious armful of gorgeous woman, Josh got them to the bathroom in the master suite and allowed Micki to strip off his pants before pulling her under the warm water with him. They kissed and hugged and soaped each other with intensity. He loved the feel of her skin under his hand as he skimmed the soap bubbles away and he bent to kiss her shoulder as she ground her shapely backside against his arousal as if she was dancing. Micki turned, tracing his nipple with her fingernail, which made him shiver and then went to her knees, fondling his cock and balls before taking him into her mouth. The sight of her lips wrapped around his shaft was almost enough to bring him to a climax right then but he braced himself against the tiled wall and closed his eyes as she worked.

Micki was irresistible with her clever tongue and her fingers and she knew how to shatter his resistance. Josh came in a surge of pleasure unlike anything he’d ever experienced before and even as his body was captive to the sensations she’d invoked, feelings flooded into his heart and mind. Even allowing for the carnal nature of the moment they’d shared, Micki Allwell meant more to him than any other living being. He’d sacrifice anyone and anything for her.

The realization startled and alarmed him. What was he thinking? This degree of caring was dangerous—they had no future after this competition was done and he left the ship. How could they? How could she fit into his world? He didn’t even know her, not really, not outside the closed world of the dance studio and the equally closed world of the bedroom.

Micki was on her feet now, soaping him again to finish cleaning him off and then she shampooed her hair quickly as he left the shower, grabbing a towel and knotting it around his waist. Lost in his thoughts, he leaned against the counter, watching her and savoring the view. As the water shut off, he handed her a towel, which she wrapped around her curly hair, leaving her body bare.

“Allow me,” he said, taking another towel off the heated rack and leisurely drying her off head to toe.

“I could get used to this level of pampering,” she said, one hand on his shoulder as he finished rubbing lotion into her feet. “Of course there’s not enough room in the shower in my quarters for two of us.”

Before he could answer, she kneaded his bare shoulder and frowned. “Still knotted tight, even after the hot water and the umm other activities. Go lie down on your stomach and I’ll be right in to see about the massage I promised. Let me see what the ship provides in their First Class bathrooms as far as oils.”

Obediently he adjourned to the bedroom, dropped the towel and lay face down on the bed. Micki joined him shortly, sitting astride his back which made his arousal, pinned underneath him, pulse and ache, but he didn’t complain. She leaned over and began massaging his neck and shoulders, rubbing a bit of the oil in as she went and the relief was nearly instantaneous. Micki put a lot of effort into unlocking a cramp in his left shoulder, then worked her way down his back, moving to kneel beside him on the bed. Next she tended to his arms, taking her time, and then his legs and feet. Every muscle in his body was relaxed now. Wriggling her fingers, Micki said, “Let see about the tension in your head and then we can either take a nap or go have dinner.”

Josh rolled over, taking her by surprise. Holding her tangled against his body, he moved his hips suggestively, so his weeping cock rubbed her thigh. “I hope you’re talking about this head because he definitely needs your attention. You’re a sorceress with those hands of yours and the oil. I’m at your mercy.”

With a delighted laugh she did indeed grasp his shaft, gripping him tightly and stroked root to tip before leaning over to lick the throbbing vein on the underside. Unable to wait any longer, Josh lifted her into a position where he could thrust himself deep into her hot silken folds. She clenched herself around him and he groaned. The second she released her hold, he was stroking in and out with purpose and force. He’d never hurt her but she met him move for move and together they tumbled over the edge into another of the incredible climaxes he was so grateful for, found only in her arms.

Dinner could wait. Again.


Much later they were finally dining, and toasting their success with another bottle of rare and costly wine, when Micki said, “I won’t be able to meet with you about the new dance until tomorrow night. I have a commitment on the planet.”

“That’s right, we did settle into orbit today didn’t we? I wasn’t paying attention. I’ll go with you and after your meeting is done we can explore the city a bit and have dinner there. It’s been a long time since I was purely a tourist.”

With a sinking feeling she stared at him and tried frantically to think of plausible excuses for refusing his request. “I’ll be there all day,” she said. “You’d get bored.”

“I can go to the local Benfield office and shake the place up,” was his immediate response. “Then when you’re done with whatever, we can revert to my original plan.”