Josh hugged her close as they exited the gravlift on Level A. “Did you see what dance Kumisarc pulled for next week?”

“Yes.” Micki wasn’t crazy about the fact the other billionaire had been assigned one of the sexiest dances in the show’s repertoire. “I’ll keep it low heat.”

“If he makes any move out of line, you have to swear to tell me and I’ll probably kill him.” Josh’s face was dark with renewed anger. “I wish I could sit in on your rehearsals with the slimy bastard.”

Worried, she pulled him closer as soon as she entered the suite and the door closed. “Hey, I have a lot of experience fending off handsy men while dancing. Don’t worry, I can handle him.”

“I hope you don’t count me among the list of problem partners,” Josh said, attempting to joke and lighten the atmosphere.

“Never.” Micki went on tiptoe to kiss him and made her caress passionate., She felt his cock pulse and grow hard against her and she fondled the impressive bulge. “I think you need more than a massage to relax tonight.”

“I need you,” Josh said, sweeping her into his arms and carrying her to the bedroom. “All night, every night.”

Since Micki was aching with a matching level of need she was more than satisfied with her efforts to distract Josh from his angry tirade against her new partner. A long night of passionate lovemaking was what they both needed right now and tomorrow could take care of itself.

Micki had a physical revulsion to dancing with Andrus Kumisarc. Knowing what his secret plans were for the displaced people in the DPRC, she loathed him in general, and on top of that, he took the nature of their dance as a license to touch her inappropriately. He tried to corner her in the rehearsal room for a kiss at one point and she slapped him hard. She was afraid he was going to hit her in retaliation and she stepped out of the way. “Cameras,” she said, pointing at the closest ‘hidden’ trideo cam. “Wouldn’t want to get eliminated for abusing your partner, now would you?”

Andrus visibly struggled to control himself, fist clenched and the AD rushed in, followed by two crew members. Micki was ushered out of the room for a good twenty minutes and when she was allowed to re-enter,. Andrus apologized to her in the most insincere manner she’d ever heard. Since the cameras were rolling, she had no choice but to accept the apology in good grace and continue the rehearsal for a few minutes anyway, until their allotted time for the room expired.

“It’s a sexy dance,” the AD said to her outside. “He got carried away a little.”

“He got carried away a lot,” Micki said sharply. “I’m not taking abuse from any man, show or not.”

“You stood up for yourself, he apologized, we can go on,” the AD answered with a fake smile. “Right?”

Reluctantly Micki nodded. If she protested she could be cut from the show for being “unable to continue” and Josh would get a new partner for the last three episodes which of course she didn’t want. Dancers like her were easily replaceable, generational billionaires like Kumisarc not so much.

The next rehearsal was stilted but Kumisarc made no further advances. He did, however, complain incessantly, picking at Micki’s choreography, his costume and the steps she was ‘forcing’ him to execute. Micki gritted her teeth and managed to get through the time. She was only giving him the absolute minimum required by her contract and she frankly didn’t care if he learned the damn dance well enough to survive. If Andrus got eliminated, Elsara would go with him, not Micki. Her attitude bothered her but not as much as Kumisarc’s did.

Hearing laughter from the room where Josh and Elsara were practicing didn’t improve her mood. She could tell from her evening sessions with him in the suite on Level A the dancer had designed a good solid dance and was teaching him what he needed to know. They were rehearsing extra hours, which annoyed Micki no end. She trusted Josh but she missed him and spending more time in her own quarters as he was up on Level C dancing with another woman served as a stark reminder of how life would be when the show and their affair ended. She didn’t even go spend the unexpected free time with Tassia and Liam because she didn’t want to talk about it.

The only bright spot in her life was the upcoming charity ball. She derived immense comfort from the knowledge Josh wanted her to meet his family and she’d be highly visible at the event in her role as his girlfriend. It was a huge vote of confidence in them as a couple and Micki hoped it meant good things for the continuation of their romance even after the show ended.

The night finally arrived and she sashayed into the shuttle deck in the fabulous designer gown and heels, feeling like a rich socialite herself. Josh met her at the airlock and whistled his approval of the ensemble and the woman. “I’m going to be the envy of every other man at this event,” he said as he escorted her to the Benfield shuttle. “Can you manage the ramp with those heels or shall I carry you?”

Micki scoffed at the offer. “In the Comettes we dance in heels like these at times. I’ll be fine with your measly ramp.”

“I’d hate for you to sprain your ankle and not be able to dance with Kumisarc,” he said as they made their way inside the shuttle.

“I’m not planning on it. Can we not talk about him or the show for this evening?” Micki made the request in a light tone but she seriously didn’t want to think about any of it while on this amazing date with Josh.

As he guided her to the private area in the bow of the shuttle she noticed Sydni and the security guards seated in the rear. She was less than thrilled to see the assistant but she understood the need for the guards and didn’t say anything.

The flight to the planet was fun, although her nerves got tighter and tighter. Josh served her a glass of high end feelgood and told her tidbits about the pair of his brothers who would be in attendance this evening. “I can’t add anything to what you already know about my mother,” he said with a frown before finishing his own glass. “She may be a complete bitch or she may choose to be a gracious hostess. Try to let it wash off your back. It’s not personal with her.”

Micki raised her glass. “I give you my word not to be offended.”

When they arrived at the spaceport, several of the sleek black groundcars were waiting and Josh and Micki took their places in the first one, with one bodyguard in the front seat with the driver. The drive to the posh hotel where the ball was being held was short and the driver pulled right up to the front entrance, where a red carpet had been laid down and a phalanx of Sectors reporters and paparazzi waited.

“This is a big deal tonight,” Josh said as they waited their turn to exit the car and make an entrance. “United Help for the Stars is an umbrella charity which funds good works all over the Sectors and the Benfield Corporation is a major sponsor. The publicity is annoying but necessary.”

“I understand.” Next minute the door opened, allowing in the raucous sound of the media yelling questions at the new arrivals and trying to attract their attention for a precious soundbite or two. Micki had been at several red carpet events in connection with the premieres of the two big budget trideos she’d been in. Of course on those occasions as a bit player she hadn’t merited much attention at all from the reporters but she’d seen how the ritual was conducted.

The media recognized her was of course, since she was on the current season of ISD and there were constant calls for her to pose, which she and Josh did several times, standing together as a couple and turning this way and that for the cameras. Several people asked her in strident voices who she was wearing tonight and Micki was relieved to be able to say, “Twilka Zabour.” She tried to imagine the feeling she’d have had if she’d been wearing a knock off or even the dress Maeve had made for her. Her answer garnered respect and more holos being taken. Finally they escaped the crush and made it through the door as another car swept up to the curb and the press re-focused.

Josh straightened his jacket and Micki patted her hair to make sure the crown of braids had stayed in place. The security guards who had shadowed them stayed close. “I’m glad that’s over,” Josh said, guiding her toward the stairs. “The ballroom is on the second level, not worth taking the antigrav.”

When she entered the ballroom, Micki stopped involuntarily and gasped. It was like an ancient castle, with tapestries and draperies and gold sconces and priceless rungs on the floor. Opulent flower arrangements were everywhere and each table had an exquisite centerpiece besides. The place settings were golden and white and the utensils appeared to be solid gold. Micki tried to take it all in as she walked toward the front on Josh’s arm. Of course the Benfield table would be at the front.