“In case you’re interested, here’s the planet of which Tyrelle speaks.” Nadna made a small gesture and a large holo appeared in the center of the table, with a view of the gorgeous blue and green world. The image rapidly adjusted to a flyover of lush forests and sparkling lakes and rivers, and then to a low level view of an appealing settlement nestled in a huge forest meadow. “I can leave you this representation on one of your devices so you may share it with Angelee.”

“Now it’s our turn to discuss privately,” Theo said, rising and taking Jayna’s hand. He knew the Mellurean could undoubtedly eavesdrop on them with her sweeping mental powers but he trusted Nadna to stay out of their minds. He escorted Jayna from the room and together they stepped into a nearby empty office.

He folded her in his arms. “Are you crying?”

“A little,” she admitted, wiping her eyes. “I know we’re going to lose this battle and I hate it. I wanted us to raise Angelee. I love her so much.”

Theo gave her a hug and held her close. “I feel the same way and I think we could do a great job as adoptive parents but if what Nadna said is true, about Nishagwaq being able to regenerate or even to cause Angelee issues as she grows up, we can’t solve that. We owe it to her to give her the best possible start in her new life and it pains me to admit it, but we aren’t capable of handling those kinds of complications. No human would be. Let’s go back in there and hammer out an agreement that we get to visit Angelee on this distant planet and maybe she even comes to cruise with us sometimes, okay?”

“And lots of communication once she’s relocated there,” Jayna said, raising her head and showing no sign of the emotions which had swamped her. “And we keep custody of her until the transfer occurs at Najie Three. Not the Mellurean.”

“Not too many demands,” Theo said with a laugh. “Important ones though.”

“I’m glad we’re thinking alike here.” Jayna gave him a kiss. “We’d better get in there.”

And so the situation had been settled. Rather than overwhelm Angelee, Theo and Jayna had explained the new plan to her in private and then Tyrelle and Lady Nadna had met with her in the presence of her two fierce temporary parents. Angelee wasn’t happy about it but understood the problem with lingering effects of Nishagwaq’s influence and the need to live where those could be properly addressed.

Coming back to the present, Theo studied the couple who’d arrived in a special ship to adopt Angelee. It was obvious the man and woman were from Tyrelle’s original planet, with their green skin and fernlike hair. Both had pleasant faces and as all the parties were introduced, their demeanor was kind and caring. He had a good feeling about this and he hoped Jayna was equally reassured.

The woman, Sysrielle, knelt in front of Angelee. “I can’t wait for you to see our planet and meet our three children and the neighbors’ children. They’re all about the same age, minus your long time in stasis of course.” She touched one ear of the stuffed animal Angelee was clutching so tightly it was a miracle the stuffing didn’t burst from the seams. “I see you like animals. Once we get home, would you like a pet perhaps? We have soft furry creatures on my world we call the Amusing Ones who will sometimes become pets.”

Angelee studied her face for a moment before nodding shyly. “I’d like that.”

There was a little more conversation and then Angelee gave Theo and Jayna each a big hug. “It’ll be all right,” she whispered in Theo’s ear as they embraced. “I’ll be fine, I know I will. And we can send each other coms and we’ll see each other when you’re on leave.”

“Right, we certainly will.” She was remarkably mature for her biological age, which made Theo sad for her but maybe on the empaths’ planet she would be able to relax into being a kid again. The couple adopting her were obviously experienced parents, and having children to play with and furry pets sounded good to him too.

As Jayna and Angelee were exchanging a final embrace, Theo drew Sysrielle and her husband aside. “I have a present for Angelee when you believe she’s ready for it,” he said.

“Of course. Whatever this may be we’ll take good care of it for her until the right time comes,” the empath said with a smile.

Theo took Captain Herron’s notebook out of his uniform pocket. Even now parting with it gave him a pang, which told him he was doing the right thing. He needed to break this lingering attachment to the other captain and his fate. The episode was over, closed, resolved. Not part of his own future. And the book was Angelee’s now. “It’s her father’s notes, kind of like a diary, from before she was born and then up to and including when Nishagwaq came aboard the Mebsuta C. I’ve made copies of it for the Sectors authorities so they don’t need the original and I’m sure she will.”

“A precious gift indeed,” Sysrielle said, accepting the notebook and putting it in her own pocket without leafing through the pages, which Theo appreciated. “We look forward to hosting you and Jayna on our planet sometime in the not too distant future.”

“We’ll be there, have no doubt. We’ll be in touch.” Theo turned as Jayna and Angelee joined them. “All set, kiddo?”

“Ready,” she answered, giving him a salute.

There was a final hug and kisses and then she walked away, climbing the ramp into the ship which had brought her new guardians.

Chapter Nine

As the hatch on the ship carrying Angelee closed, Theo put his arm around Jayna and they walked together toward the ship taking them to the surface of Najie Three shortly. “Doing okay?”

“Not yet, but I will be.”

“After all this is our honeymoon we’re embarking upon,” Theo said with a grin. “All expenses paid courtesy of the CLC Lines. We get to be the pampered guests this time instead of the crew bustling to take care of the passengers.”

“A week of nothing to do, other than my appointment to tour the museum as planned. I’m glad you’re going with me.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. But we have to get there first.” He escorted her up the ramp of Captain Fleming’s private shuttle and they settled into a pair of seats close to the rear of the cabin. Jayna closed her eyes and leaned into his embrace as the engines spun up and shortly the shuttle began to move toward the exit lock.

“I’m glad Angelee got to be part of the wedding,” Jayna said as the shuttle burst into space and headed toward the planet below. “I think she had fun.”

“It was nice of Captain Fleming to perform the ceremony with so little notice,” Theo said. “And she made a perfect flower girl.” Jake Dilon had been his best man, as he wasn’t close to anyone else on the ship yet, being so new to her company. All of the people in the Security department who could be spared from duty had attended, as well as Turner, Abrall and Paxter. A few others were there to wish Theo and Jayna well and Tyrelle and Lady Nadna had slipped into the ship’s chapel right before Jayna came down the aisle. “So few people can boast of having a Mellurean at their wedding,” he said with a smile. “Social climbers despair—we managed the coup.”

“I wish she hadn’t had to come to the Nebula Zephyr at all,” Jayna said. “But it was nice of her to attend the ceremony. She tried to be accommodating.”