Theo grabbed at the creature to keep it from falling off the litter. “I’m sure he will. Thank you.”

“I want him back though. Eventually.”

“Of course.” Theo stifled a laugh because it honestly hurt too much. He suspected he had broken ribs from his battle with Nishagwaq. “I promise to take good care of him.”

“No more talking,” Dr. Shane admonished. “Your counts are all over the place. Conserve your energy.”

A medinject slid into his arm even though he hadn’t reached the medbay yet, being still in the crew antigrav lift ascending the levels through the Nebula Zephyr.

Jayna bent over to give him a kiss, which he was sure was probably on the doctor’s forbidden list of activities right now too but the caress was so full of promise and love he felt better than he had for hours. He squeezed her hand as he began to lose consciousness again.

“I love you,” he whispered, not caring who else was in the gravlift with them. If he’d had the strength he would have shouted his happiness to the entire ship. Maybe he didn’t bring home a rich salvage prize and burnish his damaged reputation but he’d won the woman he loved, and they’d saved each other’s lives, which was all that mattered.

There was a future and he was impatient for it to start.

Ten days later…

Theo, Jayna and Angelee stood on the Nebula Zephyr’s landing deck, alongside Captain Fleming and Tyrelle Embersson, who was an alien empath attached to the captain’s staff and serving as Chief Hydroponics Officer. She’d been assisting in Angelee’s care since the child arrived on the cruise liner, helping to quiet her nightmares.

Angelee stood with her hand firmly clasped in Jayna’s. She was dressed in a brand new, modern outfit, given to her by the Ship along with other useful items of personal gear, clothing, books and more than a few toys. All of these were packed in a small cargo container which floated on an antigrav pallet off to the side.

Facing them was Lady Nadna, a Mellurean Mind, the first member of the reclusive, all powerful, ancient alien race Theo had ever met. The woman embodied power and authority as she waited, her purple robes fluttering slightly even though there was no wind. Her face was grave but peaceful to look upon and although he knew she could destroy the ship and all of them with one quick thought, he had no fear. The Mellureans were longtime sworn allies of the Sectors and its people. Nadna was as far from Nishagwaq as it was possible for an entity to be and she was here on a mission of mercy for Angelee.

Captain Fleming had ties to the Mellureans, shrouded in mystery, and he’d contacted them after hearing the detailed debrief of what went on inside the Mebsuta C. Lady Nadna appeared on the Nebula Zephyr the next day, although Theo knew the ship hadn’t dropped out of hyperspace nor taken on any shuttles. She met with the captain, the doctor, Tyrelle, Theo and Jayna to discuss Angelee’s future.

“You did well in ridding the galaxy of the entity known as Nishagwaq,” she’d said, sitting in the chair at the head of the table where Fleming normally presided. Sipping his coffee, the captain certainly showed no chagrin or dismay at being displaced. “We had assumed her deadly predator species was long eliminated from our existence but there are always surprises in space.”

“We couldn’t have done it without Angelee’s help and the notes her father left,” Theo said.

“You don’t waste time going to the heart of the issue, do you, Officer Knox?” Nadna glanced at Fleming. “He reminds me of you to be honest.” She steepled her fingers. “I’m afraid we’ll have to take the child to live with us despite your kindly offer of adoption and life aboard the Nebula Zephyr.”

Jayna shifted in her chair and Theo waited for her to protest but she merely shook her head.

“Angelee is more than a human child now,” Nadna said although it appeared she was unused to having to explain herself in detail. “There would be enough challenges stemming from the tragic loss of her family and her awakening hundreds of years in the future. Children are adaptable and I have seen the close bond between the three of you.” She raised one finger as if to stem any argument. “Unfortunately, her mind was awake during many of the harvest cycles Nishagwaq conducted with unwary prey and the repeated intrusions into the child’s mindspace have had a lasting effect.”

“I know she has nightmares,” Jayna said. “We’ve been working on those with help from the doctor and Tyrelle and I think she’s getting better.”

“Jayna and I realize it’ll be a long, bumpy road ahead,” Theo added. “But we’re prepared to deal with it.”

“Admirable. You both have generous natures and loving hearts, which a child needs.” Now Nadna was gracious and Theo’s instincts went on the alert. He knew there was a ‘but’ coming. When the lady continued with her discussion what she had to say floored him. “I detect traces of Nishagwaq’s persona in more than one recess of Angelee’s mind. I don’t know whether the enemy would have the power to coalesce into a new version of herself, using the child as a vessel but I can’t discount it either. The species was a pernicious predator and required much effort to root out and destroy. We cannot risk any regeneration. Angelee must be placed in a situation where those remnants of Nishagwaq can be found and removed. The task will require utmost delicacy and won’t be simple but at the end of the effort we do feel she’ll be able to take her place among the humans of the Sectors and live a full life as an adult. So again, she will have to come and dwell with us.”

“No.” Jayna’s denial was flat and harsh and the sound of her clenched fist striking the table was as loud as a gunshot. “She’s a child, a human child. From the little I know of your people, the form in which you’re sitting with us now isn’t even your true one. Sure, maybe you can surround her with a simulated environment and I grant you can perform the mental healing she needs but children also need loving caretakers, a normal environment, a place to play and run around and other children to play with. Now granted the life here on the Nebula Zephyr might not contain all those elements but it would be a lot better for her than being exiled off to Mellure. Can’t you send a representative here, as you’ve come, to check on her from time to time and do the necessary procedures?”

Nadna blinked. Tilting her head, she considered Jayna’s tirade, because that was the force her words carried. The room hummed with power, as if a thunderstorm was gathering. Theo worried for his lover but he certainly agreed with her points. He’d fight beside her for Angelee.

“Jayna makes excellent points,” Tyrelle said. Theo thought he detected a wave of calming influence from the empath and he was astonished she’d be so bold with a Mellurean in the room. But it was obvious to him the empath seemed to have a special relationship with the powerful being, much as Captain Fleming didn’t appear to be in any doubt about his own standing with Lady Nadna. How did one achieve a level of comfort with a being as all powerful as a Mellurean, he wondered and decided he probably didn’t want to know. Meanwhile the empath continued speaking. “I believe I may be able to suggest a compromise but I’d like to discuss the idea with Lady Nadna first, before we present it to you, Angelee’s human caretakers.”

Nadna gave a deliberate nod. “We will confer. I think I know where you’re going with this.” She rose and left the room unceremoniously. Tyrelle in her wake.

The sense of relaxation around the table was palpable. Jayna gave Theo an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t stomach Angelee being sent off to live the way the Mellurean was proposing. It’s clear she won’t be able to stay with us but I want the best situation for her we can arrange.”

“You have amazing fortitude, Officer Evans,” Captain Fleming said. “The Mellureans aren’t used to having a human go toe to toe with them.”

“Even a Mellurean has to respect the desire of a mother to protect her young,” Jayna answered. “I may not be Angelee’s parent in actual fact, but I love her as if she was mine and I have a responsibility to ensure nothing but the best for her.”

The door reopened and Nadna re-entered the conference room. Behind her, Tyrelle gave a quick wink, gone in a flash. As she sat in the chair again, the Mellurean said, “A workable solution has been suggested which I believe will satisfy my requirements and yours for the continued well-being of the child and the galaxy. Understand we cannot allow any chance of Nishagwaq reconstituting in any form, much less producing offspring, which the species is able to do in large numbers and without need for partners.” She made a languid gesture in Tyrelle’s direction. “You may proceed.”

“My people were kidnapped from our home many years ago. I won’t bore you with the history but in the end we were given our own home in the Sectors. The world where my fellow empaths now dwell is a beautiful, forested place, watched over by an extremely powerful entity and maintains regular contact with Mellure.” She focused on Jayna and Theo and spoke in a reassuring tone. “There are families and children and even human families, since the Sectors has a small station there. If we can all agree today, I’ll contact Samell, the man who rules my people there and arrange for a suitable couple to meet us on Najie Three to take responsibility for Angelee’s care.”