Turner slept. From time to time Paxter checked on her and gave a thumbs up each time. He and Abrall played a dice game with a stained and chipped set of ivories the engine room tech dug out of a pocket. There wasn’t much conversation as they all tried to conserve air.

Theo’s arm ached but the pain kept him alert, not that there was much of anything for him to do except listen to Jayna’s soft voice telling Angelee stories. As the time passed, he noticed his breathing was getting tight and labored. He could feel darkness closing in around him and eventually stopped fighting it.

CAPTAIN KNOX! Maeve’s voice rang in his head and he stirred groggily. “Whass going on?” His words slurred and he couldn’t get enough air.

“Hang on,” Maeve said peremptorily through the subaural link. “I’m bringing your vessel aboard now. We’ll have you out of there in two minutes.”

“Might not have two minutes,” he replied, slumping over again. His thought process was sluggish but a sense of duty prodded him to mention Angelee. “Brought a passenger.”

“Save your strength,” Maeve said harshly. “We’ll sort it out later.”

There was a thump as the smuggler container which he belated realized had been moving steadily, touched down on a surface. Jayna startled awake and clutched at his good arm. “Am I dreaming?”

Before he could answer her, the hatch above cracked open and Jake Dilon, the Nebula Zephyr’s security chief was sliding down the rails into the cramped space. He was carrying a portable atmosphere booster, which began spewing fresh air immediately as he set it down and rushed to Theo and Jayna. “We’ll have you all out of here in no time.”

“We lost Soames,” Jayna said in a husky voice. “Totally my responsibility.”

“Time for a debrief later.” Jake was eyeing Angelee with obvious curiosity but as another person from his team entered the small space, he turned to them and issued orders. “We’ll take Officer Knox first as he’s injured.”

“No.” Theo cleared his throat and tried again. “No. I’m in command so I have to be the last one off. Take Turner first—she’s overmedicated and her respiration is weak.”

“He’s stubborn,” Jayna said to her boss with a smile. “Probably easiest to let him have his way.”

Jake didn’t waste time arguing but directed his subordinate to carry Turner to safety. Next he escorted Jayna and Angelee to the short ladder and Theo heard people outside calling encouragement and knew the pair would be all right. Abrall staggered like a drunken sailor but managed to ascend the ladder with no issues, although Jake stood ready to assist him if needed. Paxter strolled to the hatch as if he’d never been impaired, pausing beside Theo, who regarded him warily.

The pilot saluted. “It was an honor to serve under you, sir. Sorry about all the…attitude I served up during the flight.”

“It wasn’t you talking—it was Nishagwaq,” Theo said. “None of us was ourselves. You did the job which is what counts and you and Turner saved Jayna, Angelee and me in the hold. You’ve got nothing to reproach yourself with and I’ll tell Captain Fleming and whoever else needs to hear it.”

“Thank you, sir.” Doing a perfect about face, Paxter made his way to the ladder and climbed out of view.

“I can see this is going to be a highly interesting briefing,” Jake said, bending over Theo. “I can’t wait. Let me help you up and we’ll get out of here.”

“Jayna was…she was the glue holding all of us together,” Theo said to Jayna’s boss. “We wouldn’t have survived without her.”

“She’s one in a million,” Jake agreed, supporting Theo as he shuffled to the ladder. “A special lady under all the squared away, no nonsense military demeanor.”

Theo heartily agreed with Jake’s assessment although he was too out of breath to say so right that moment. He took a firm grip on the ladder and motioned for Jake to precede him. “I can make it up a few rungs on my own.”

“Well, if you don’t we’ll come in and carry you out. Suit yourself.” Jake shrugged and made his ascent, turning at the top to wait for Theo. He held out one hand and Theo managed to get himself onto the first rung, high enough to grasp the offered help.

The short trip to the safety of the Nebula Zephyr’s deck seemed endless and required all his willpower but at the top Jake moved away and allowed Theo to step to the ramp which had been rolled up to the smugglers capsule.

Captain Fleming was waiting, as well as a team from medbay and Dr. Shane herself. Jayna and Angelee lingered off to the side, eyeing him anxiously. Turner, Paxter and Abrall had already been taken from the landing deck, presumably to the medical facility.

“Not the salvage you were expecting, sir,” Theo said to Fleming, making an attempt at a salute.

“The important thing is getting most of you back, more or less in one piece,” Fleming said firmly. “Right now you need to go to the sickbay and let Dr. Shane take care of you.” As Theo sagged, his knees giving way suddenly, Fleming and Jake braced him on either side and effectively carried him to the waiting antigrav litter. Dr. Shane began running scans on him on the spot.

“What have you done to yourself, Mr. Knox?” she asked with a professional smile.

“Didn’t have my safety belt fastened,” he said with perfect truth, although he heard chuckles from the crew members around him.

The doctor nodded to her waiting staff and the antigrav litter moved at a rapid pace. “I’m good at fixing people up,” she said. “You’ll be giving the captain the briefing he wants so badly in fairly short order. Relax for now and let us take care of you.”

Despite his intense desire to lay out the entire story of their time on the Mebsuta C without delay, he knew she was right. Theo closed his eyes, only re-opening them briefly as Jayna took his hand in her own as she walked alongside the litter. Angelee clasped her other hand.

“I’ll lend you my bear,” the girl said quietly, setting the stuffed animal on his stomach. “He’ll make you feel better too.”