“It can be jettisoned and picked up later or by another ship,” he said with rising excitement.

“So we asphyxiate for lack of oxygen out there?”

Theo laughed. “No, I’m not crazy, I promise. According to the brief note I read, sometimes Herron smuggled people rather than illicit goods. The pod is self-contained, like a mini lifeboat.”

Comprehension dawned on Jayna’s face. “I’d rather take my chances out there and hope the Nebula Zephyr is on her way at lightspeed to pick us up, than go out the way Soames did.”

“Exactly. I have an idea how to get rid of Nishagwaq permanently as well. We blow up the ship once we’re clear.”

Jayna stared at him for a moment before stepping forward to plant a big kiss on his lips. “I like the way you think. Let’s do this. At a minimum we’ll rid the spacelanes of a hazard.”

He pulled her close for a second kiss, longer and more involved and then said, “I know this isn’t the time or the place but I hope you know you mean much more to me than a casual bed partner. I want us to be forever, building something out of our lives together. I’ve been in love with you for a long time now.”

She looped her arms around his neck. “You know I’ve got baggage, messed up stuff I’m dealing with, from my service in the Special Forces.”

“I’m not afraid to take that on, not if I can have you by my side. I’ve got my dark past too, you know.” He nuzzled her cheek and gave her a gentle kiss.

“Nothing I can’t handle, space jockey.” Her tone and her expression were teasing but after a second she turned serious and stepped away, adjusting the way her pulse rifle was slung. “We can’t leave this bucket yet. I know where Angelee’s stasis pod is and I intend to rescue her. That little girl didn’t deserve any of what happened to her and I’m not going to leave her here with Nishagwaq, nor am I going to let her be blown up with the ship. Are you with me?”

“All the way. We don’t leave anyone behind. So where is the pod?” He held up a hand. “No, wait, let me guess—in the hold of death.”

“Where else?” Jayna nodded, a gleam in her eye. “Right next to Nishagwaq’s group of alien cargo containers. So we’ll be literally going into the jaws of the monster to get Angelee out.”

“Works for me. But first we need to find the smuggling pod and make sure it’ll work for what I have in mind.”

“Right. Where were you going to search? Did the notebook offer any clues?”

He shook his head, feeling full of confidence with Jayna at his side. “I already checked the bridge. It was a longshot but I thought there was a chance. I want to try the wardroom next.”

“What are we waiting for then?” Jayna pivoted and headed for the exit to the lifeboat. “Time’s a wasting. I’m sure our alien hostess only likes to play with her food for so long before she dines on the tasty morsel and I don’t intend to be the next one on her menu.”

Since he agreed with her in all respects, Theo followed Jayna out of the LB and through the corridors to the wardroom, where the container from the Nebula Zephyr sat only partially unpacked next to the table. He assessed the room with narrowed eyes and shook his head. “If what I’m looking for is here, it’s hidden damn well.”

“That’s the whole point,” Jayna said with a grin. “Step aside and let the expert handle this. We had training in the teams for this kind of task because certain unfriendly tangos liked to hide in similar nooks and crannies and then ambush us at the worst possible moments.”

Theo leaned on the table and waved his hand in an inviting gesture. “Be my guest.”

Watching Jayna prowl the room was certainly educational. She covered every inch with an intensity he admired and after one circuit of the space, she laughed. “Got it.”

He straightened and blinked hard. “Where? I didn’t see anything.”

“Again, demonstrating the whole point of secret compartments.” She went to the end of the cook units and stasis storage containers and ran her hand along the molding at the edge of counter. There was a click and part of the equipment laden panel swung away, revealing a hatch. His excitement mounting, Theo joined her as she punched the controls and the hatch slid smoothly aside, revealing a short ladder leading downward.

“I’ll go first,” she said, her side arm now in her grasp. Suiting action to words, Jayna descended the steps. “Tight fit in here.”

Theo followed her as soon as he heard her say, “Clear” in muffled tones, finding himself in a small space with room for a pilot and maybe five other people, six if they squeezed in like sardines. The passengers would have to sit on the deck. Clearly this mini ship hadn’t been built for comfort or for anything other than ferrying the illicit cargo a relatively short distance.

“No hyperdrive,” Jayna reported from the pilot’s seat. “Standard propulsion only. Life support shows green across the board. I’d say the Mebsuta’s systems have been keeping this baby charged up and ready to go all these centuries, lucky for us.”

“How long will it support us?” he asked.

“Ten hours, maybe a little more if we’re lucky. Assuming the five of us adults and Angelee. We better hope the Nebula Zephyr is on her way to us.” Jayna indicated the controls. “There’s a beacon we can activate, which should help.”

“Another distress call?” Theo smiled without much humor. “Not sure anyone should answer a call from this cursed ship. Even if it’s us they’ll be saving.”

She nodded to acknowledge the point. “What’s the plan? I don’t think we have time to waste here.”

“Can you set the controls so only you or I can fly this thing?”