He shrugs. “The people here are very comfortable with my family. There’s not a divide between royalty and others, as in most places.”

I think it’s more than that, though. Felix clearly loves being here — and loves his people. Everyone can feel that appreciation, and that’s what makes them so excited to see him.

Here in Albavarre, I’ve observed a side of Felix that I never knew existed — one where he’s cherished by his people and surrounded by the love of his family. He might play all of that off, but I’m starting to see the heart at his core.

We return to the palace, the cool marble floors a stark contrast to the sun-warmed cobblestones outside. As I take in the opulence surrounding me, I feel sadness at the thought of leaving this magical place and returning to reality.

“Ah, there you two are.” Queen Isabella approaches, her warm smile instantly putting me at ease. “I hope you enjoyed your walk.”

“We did, thank you.” Felix wraps his strong arm around my waist.

“Lily, may I speak with you privately for a moment?” Queen Isabella asks, her eyes shining with sincerity.

“Of course, Your Majesty.” My heart flutters. Have I done something wrong?

Felix gives my hand a reassuring squeeze before releasing me from his embrace. “I’ll be packing.”

“Please, follow me,” Queen Isabella says, gesturing towards a hallway lined with ornate tapestries and works of art.

As we walk, I wonder what could possibly be so important that it requires a private audience with the queen herself. Is she about to lecture me on how to be a good wife to her son? Or is she about to reveal that she knows all about my and Felix’s ruse?

My stomach twists into a tighter knot with each step. For the briefest moment, I consider turning and fleeing the palace — and the country.

I keep walking, though. It’s my choices alone that have brought me to this moment in time, so no matter what lies ahead, it’s my responsibility to face it.

We enter a grand library, its towering shelves filled with countless volumes of history, literature, and poetry. The scent of old leather and parchment fills the air, reminding me of the countless hours spent in my own family’s library, lost in the written word.

“Oh wow, this is… incredible,” I say in awe, taking in the sheer magnitude of literary treasures surrounding me.

“Isn’t it?” She runs her fingers over a globe. “This has always been one of my favorite places in the palace. And now, I’m delighted to share it with you.”

“Thank you,” I say sincerely, touched by her gesture.

“I wanted to talk to you, Lily, because I know our time together has been brief, but I want you to know how truly happy we are to welcome you into our family.” Her eyes glisten with unshed tears. “You are the daughter we always hoped for, and we couldn’t be more thrilled that Felix has finally found someone who brings out the best in him.”

“Your Majesty, I… I don’t know what to say,” I stammer, completely taken aback by her heartfelt words. They’re the last ones I expected to hear.

“Please, call me Isabella,” she says, taking my hands in hers. “I want you to feel comfortable here, Lily. Like a part of our family.”

“Isabella,” I say softly. “You have no idea how much your words mean to me. I’m honored to be joining your family, and I promise to do everything in my power to make Felix happy.”

“Thank you, Lily.” Her smile broadens. “We’ve been worried about him for some time, what with his playboy ways and all. But ever since he began seeing you, it’s as if he’s become an entirely new person. He’s focused, responsible, and most importantly, truly happy. For that, we will be forever grateful.”

“Felix has shown me a side of himself that I never knew existed,” I confess, my heart swelling with affection for the man who’s come to mean so much to me. “He is an incredible person, and I’m lucky to know him.”

“Then it seems we are both fortunate to have you in our lives.” With that, the queen pulls me into a gentle embrace.

As she holds me, I imagine the life that awaits us inside these palace walls — one filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. Even if Felix and I end up living somewhere else, I look forward to returning to these rooms and getting to know his parents better.

Stepping out of the library after my conversation with Queen Isabella, I’m flooded with conflicting emotions. I’m so grateful for the way she’s welcomed me into their family. But at the same time, a knot forms in the pit of my stomach as I consider the web of lies that have led me here.

As I walk through the palace halls, I think of Felix in the city streets, chatting and laughing with his people. Seeing him like this — so genuine and caring — makes my chest ache with a mixture of pride and guilt.

This isn’t the city-loving playboy I’ve known for years; this is a prince who has won the hearts of his subjects. And yet, the love we’ve been projecting to his parents and the world is nothing more than a carefully crafted illusion.

If the people of Albavarre were to find out, they would be so disappointed. Their opinions of the two of us would do a one-eighty.

Suddenly I feel claustrophobic, the opulence of the palace’s gilded walls closing in on me. My footsteps echo off the marble floors as I hurry out into the open courtyard, desperate for a breath of clean, fresh air.