“An adventure?” I raise an eyebrow. What does that even mean?

Meg grins, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “I’ve been planning a trip to Bali early next year to volunteer at a free clinic. And I’d love for you to come with me.”

“Really?” My heart leaps at the idea.

I love traveling, and volunteering at a free clinic aligns perfectly with my passion for helping others. Plus, the prospect of spending time in a place where no one knows about my recent humiliation is incredibly appealing.

“You know what? Count me in.”

“Great!” She claps her hands together. “This will be so amazing.”

I feel a glimmer of hope taking root in my chest. Maybe there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. Maybe Bali will be the fresh start I desperately need.

She places a reassuring hand on my arm. “You know, Lily, I’m actually kind of glad that Rick turned out to be such a jerk. You deserve so much better than him.”

I frown slightly, still not quite ready to see it that way. “I don’t know… I mean, it’s hard to feel like there’s any silver lining in all of this.”

“Trust me. In the long run, you’re going to realize you’re better off without him.”

Of course she feels that way. She never wanted me to marry Rick in the first place. She wanted me to “wait it out” until I found someone I had a deeper connection with.

Sweet Meg. She’s a romantic, an idealist. And I truly love that about her, but it’s true that I’ve always been the practical one.

But maybe she’s right. Things certainly don’t feel as bad now as they did just a couple weeks ago. The pain is still there, but it’s duller, more manageable.

I give her a tentative smile. “Thanks, Meg.”

She winks. “Now, about Bali…”

She tells me all about the clinic, including the birth center that has recently been added and the adjacent school where we can volunteer to teach English. I start to feel lighter, freer — until I notice a group of teenage girls at a nearby table, their eyes fixed on me. They’re whispering and giggling among themselves, and my stomach churns with anxiety.

“What?” Meg frowns.

I shake my head slightly. “Nothing.”

But she’s already caught on to what’s happening. Turning around, she glances at the girls.

“Can we help you?” she asks them.

My face burns. Meg doesn’t beat around the bush. While I appreciate that, it can also be a bit much for me sometimes.

The girls don’t seem offended, though. One of them detaches from the group and approaches our table.

“Yeah, um… Are you the girl who was left at the altar by that rich yacht guy?”

My cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I can barely choke out a response. “Uh, yes, that’s me.”

“Wow.” Her eyes are wide with fascination. “That’s crazy! Everyone’s been talking about it.”

Mortification washes over me, and I shrink back in my chair. Why are people so fixated on the worst day of my life? It’s not as if there aren’t more pressing issues in the world to discuss.

“Anyway, I just wanted to see if it was really you,” she continues, oblivious to my discomfort. “Sorry for bothering you!”

Meg’s eyes narrow. “She’s fine. Thanks for asking.”

The girl looks quizzically at Meg, like she can’t understand for the life of her what she’s said wrong, then turns and scurries back to her friends.

Meanwhile, I’m left feeling exposed and vulnerable. I glance at Meg, who looks equally appalled by the intrusion.