“Can I even stand after this?” The question feels weighty, existential. My voice is a broken thing, cracked with the strain of holding back sobs. “Everything I wanted — gone.”

“Then maybe it’s time to rethink what you really want,” Meg says.

I stare at her as the words sink in. Right now, in the depths of my despair, they don’t make any sense to me.

But at least now I have the hope that one day they might.



I sit frozen in my folding chair, my chest aching. I want to go after Lily, to comfort her and tell her everything will be okay. But deep down, I know that this isn’t the right time. She’s with her girlfriends right now, and what she needs is space, time to process what just happened.

“Man, I can’t believe this.” Enrique shakes his head in disbelief. “Poor Lily.”

“Tell me about it.” I run a hand through my hair.

Glancing over at the catering tables, I spot the coffee. Maybe a cup will help clear my head. “I’m going to grab some coffee. You want one?”

“Sure.” Enrique stands and smooths his tie, and we walk over to the buffet together.

As I pour each of us a steaming cup of dark roast, the rich aroma wafts up to greet me. It reminds me of Sunday mornings spent with my family back when things were simpler. Back when all I wanted to do was play tennis and make my parents proud. Now that I’m an adult, the burden of their expectations hangs heavy on my shoulders.

“Thanks,” Enrique says, taking the cup I offer him.

“Cheers,” I mutter, forcing a small smile before taking a sip. The bitter liquid warms me from the inside out, but it does nothing to ease the knot in my stomach.

“Let’s find somewhere to sit,” Enrique suggests, and we make our way to an empty table near the edge of the lawn.

As we sit down, I overhear snippets of conversation from the other guests around us. Everyone seems to have a theory about what happened between Rick and Lily — why he left her standing alone at the altar.

“Maybe he found out something terrible about her family,” one woman whispers to her companion.

“Or maybe he discovered an affair!” another guest exclaims, his eyes wide with scandal.

“Please,” a third scoffs. “I heard from a reliable source that he’s been involved with the Russian mob. He’s probably on the run as we speak.”

With each outlandish story, my blood boils hotter. How can anyone think they know what happened between Rick and Lily? They don’t know her like I do — her kindness, her intelligence, her unyielding dedication to helping others. She doesn’t deserve any of this gossip or speculation.

“Try not to let it get to you,” Enrique advises, noticing my clenched fists. “People love drama, especially when it involves the rich and famous.”

“Doesn’t make it right,” I grumble, taking another long sip of my coffee. It’s amazing how quickly happiness can turn to chaos, especially in our world. And for Lily, it seems like she can’t escape it.

But that’s what you get, isn’t it, when you’re born into what can only be considered American royalty. People have been writing and speculating about her family for generations. They’re up there with the Kennedys when it comes to fame.

It’s one of the reasons we’ve always gotten along. Growing up as the only prince of a small country means I know a thing or two about feeling overexposed.

I glance around the room, searching for a distraction from the idle chatter. My gaze falls on the elegant floral arrangements that adorn the tables — the delicate white roses and lilies that should have been a symbol of love and commitment today. Instead, they’re just a painful reminder of the heartbreak Lily must be feeling.

I can’t stand it any longer. Sitting here is killing me.

“I need to move.” Standing, I step away from the table and head for the garden. Enrique follows me without a word.

If only I could find Rick, then I’d have somewhere to put this anger. He’s probably halfway to Mexico, though, the weasel that he is.

Still, I stalk through the garden. My eyes scan the surroundings, searching for any sign of Rick — my anger demanding an outlet.

And then I see him.