I move on to the second one. “This one too.”

My hands shake as I pick up the third test and see the same unmistakable result. “All of them… positive.”

“Are you okay, Lily?” Meg knocks on my stall door.

Okay seems like an impossible concept right now. “I’m fine,” I call out. “Just need another minute.”

“Take all the time you need. I’ll get you some snacks to help your stomach.” She steps out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I lean against the cool tiled wall, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. Joy, fear, uncertainty — they all mingle together in a chaotic symphony that leaves me feeling overwhelmed.

This new life growing inside me is both a miracle and a challenge, a beautiful gift and a daunting responsibility.

I blink back tears, my hand resting protectively on my still-flat stomach. The reality of the situation begins to sink in, and I think of Felix. We talked about having children someday, but “someday” was supposed to be after we’d gotten married and built a life together.

Taking a deep breath, I throw the tests away, wash my hands, and step out into the harsh fluorescent lighting of the drugstore. Meg is waiting for me, concern etched across her face as she studies my expression.

“Well?” she asks hesitantly.

“They were all positive,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m pregnant.”

Meg’s eyes widen, but before she can say anything, I continue. “I know it’s crazy. Felix and I had planned to have kids eventually, but this wasn’t exactly what we had in mind.”

“Wow.” She shakes her head. “How do you feel about it?”

“Excited,” I confess, feeling a smile tug at the corners of my lips despite my anxiety. “But also… completely freaked out.”

“Understandable.” She offers me a small grin as she wraps an arm around my shoulders. “This is huge, Lily. It’s a lot to process.”

“Tell me about it.” I sigh, leaning into her embrace.

My thoughts race, a million scenarios playing out in my mind. What will Felix say? How will our families react? What will this mean for our future?

“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” Meg reassures me, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. “You’re not alone in this. You have me, and I know Felix will step up too.”

“Thanks, Meg,” I whisper gratefully, my heart swelling with love for my best friend. Then my stomach tenses as I realize something. “Mind if we take a raincheck on Bali?”

She grins. “You’re like twenty steps ahead of where you need to be right now. First things first, let’s get out of here and go somewhere more comfortable to talk. I got those snacks.” She raises a plastic bag.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Back in Meg’s car, my hands tremble with equal parts excitement and dread. I take a deep breath, reminding myself that Felix is my friend, someone who has always been there for me in our privileged world of old money and expectations.

“I need to call him,” I say. “If I wait any longer, I’ll lose my nerve.”

“Go ahead,” she says in the gentlest way possible.

I clear my throat, gathering my courage as I hit Felix’s name on my phone.

The phone rings once, twice. I don’t even know if he’ll pick up; he’s been so regular with avoiding me lately. But then his voice fills the air, smooth and familiar.

“Hey, Lily,” he answers, sounding slightly out of breath. I imagine him on the tennis court, sweat beading on his muscular arms, his dark hair damp from exertion.

“Hi,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I, uh, need to tell you something important.”

“Is everything okay?” His voice is suddenly serious, concern lacing every word.

“Um, well… I’m pregnant.” The words tumble out, filled with implications for the future.