And this marriage will be my golden ticket, I remind myself. Once Lily and I have settled down, everyone will forget about us and move on to more interesting things. We’ll be old news, and I’ll be free to live my life as I see fit.

With a deep breath, I pull out the velvet box, my fingers trembling slightly. As the last firework explodes in a shower of golden sparks, I steel myself for what comes next.

“Wait,” I call out as Lily starts to look away.

She turns back towards me, her eyes wide with surprise. “Yes?”

I drop to one knee, the velvet box in my hand. I meet her gaze, and for a moment, the world around us fades into insignificance.

“Lily.” I gulp, not sure why my pulse is racing or why my hands are so sweaty. “Will you marry me?”



I stand stock still, utterly lost for words as the last of the fireworks fizzle out above us. I hadn’t known Felix would be proposing tonight of all nights, and now everyone at the rooftop bar is watching the two of us expectantly.

For a heartbeat, I allow myself to believe that this could be real, that he might actually want to be with me as more than just a friend. But then I remember all the whispers, the side glances, the barely concealed smirks that follow Felix around. He’s a playboy, a charmer, a man known for loving and leaving women with a dashing smile on his face.

In the silence that follows, I can feel my heart thud heavily against my ribcage. The weight of everyone’s watching eyes presses uncomfortably on me, a palpable tension in the air.

“Felix…” I start. I know what I’m supposed to say, but for some reason, I just can’t bring myself to do it.

He gazes up at me with those warm brown eyes I’ve come to know so well, his muscular form kneeling before me like some kind of handsome statue. This man would make an incredible partner if only he had any interest in being one.

And then it’s like the sense is shaken back into me. Felix will never be my real husband — not in all the ways a man can be — but he’ll provide me with plenty that I haven’t been able to get from other men.

Which means there’s no reason to be hesitating right now.

“Yes, of course I’ll marry you.” I force a smile onto my face. I can’t let anyone around us suspect that this is all just an act.

With trembling fingers, I take the beautiful ring from him and slide it onto my finger, where it catches the light, sending sparkles dancing across the rooftop.

Felix rises to his feet and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. Our lips meet for the first time, and it feels as though I’m walking on air. The world around us fades away, leaving only the warmth of his embrace and the taste of his kiss. It’s intoxicating, thrilling, and altogether too short.

As we part, the sound of clapping fills my ears. The rooftop bar patrons cheer and applaud our engagement, completely oblivious to the truth behind it.

“Congratulations!” someone shouts, and a chorus of voices echo the sentiment.

“Thank you.” I smile at the crowd while holding onto Felix’s hand tightly.

We’re playing a dangerous game, but we have no choice. It’s all for the sake of my family, my future, and the children’s charity I’ve devoted so much time and effort to.

As the celebrations continue around us, my heart is full of emotion, and I wonder what it would be like if Felix truly wanted to be with me. But I quickly push those thoughts away. We’re friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.

* * *

Hours later, the cool night air greets us as we leave the rooftop bar hand in hand. I can still feel the lingering warmth of Felix’s kiss on my lips and the ring sliding onto my finger.

It’s all so surreal, and the ring feels odd enough that I want to take it off, but we have to up appearances for now.

Pulling my wrap around me to shield against the chill, we make our way to his car and then drive to my place.

Felix gets out of his car and walks me to the front door, just as he always does at night. “You did splendidly.”

I chortle. “All I did was look happy and put the ring on.”

“Which is harder than you might think,” he counters, his voice warm and comforting. “You didn’t falter once, you know. Not even when we kissed.”