A lump forms in my throat, and suddenly it’s hard to think straight, hard to breathe. I need some space. Some… some…

I don’t even know what I need.

“Excuse me for a moment.” I stand and force a smile. “I’ll be right back.”

Her eyebrows knit together. She can tell something is up. “Is everything all right?”

“Just peachy.” I try to keep my tone light despite the churning in my stomach. “Just need a moment to myself.”

A flicker of concern crosses her face, and I feel a pang of guilt for upsetting her. She nods slowly, chewing on her lower lip. It’s something she does when she’s worried, I’ve noticed.

Despite myself, I reach across and brush my thumb over her lip, wanting to soothe away her fears.

“Hey… it’s okay,” I whisper.

She looks at me, her green eyes wide and questioning. The intensity in them makes my heart hitch. A small smile graces her lips before they part to speak, but I turn around before she gets the chance. I can’t bear hearing her voice saturated with worry.

I head to the restroom, my head swirling with a dizzying mix of emotions.

As I lean over the sink, I splash cold water onto my face, then watch the droplets trickle down my flushed cheeks in the mirror. Tonight is important, and I can’t screw this up.

“Pull yourself together, Felix,” I mutter under my breath, hands gripping the edge of the sink. “You’ve got this.”

Taking a deep breath, I dry my face with a paper towel and smooth the front of my shirt. It’s time to face the crowd once more — and, most importantly, Lily.

As I return to the rooftop, I’m greeted by a cacophony of bursting fireworks that light up the dark sky in vibrant hues of reds, blues, and greens. The crowd gasps in awe, turning their attention towards the dazzling display above us.

It’s not a holiday, but I’ve arranged for these fireworks specifically for tonight. If I’m going to do this, I might as well do it in a big way.

“Fireworks,” Lily says, her voice raised. “But why?”

“I planned them.” I slide into my seat next to her.

She smiles and shakes her head.

“Do you like them?” I have to shout to be heard.

Her lips part in surprise, her eyes never leaving the spectacle of lights. She doesn’t answer immediately, mesmerized by the brilliant explosions of colors that contrast against the midnight canvas above. For a moment, she seems lost in the fireworks, and I hope she’s equally lost in the grandeur of my gesture.

Suddenly, she looks towards me, her eyes sparkling in the night. “They’re beautiful,” she shouts back. “You’re insane, but… thank you.”

The relief that washes over me is overwhelming. I can’t believe it’s working. In my pocket, my fingers brush against the small velvet box I’ve hidden away all day. The soft fabric feels like a promise, a symbol of the hope I’ve held onto for so long.

“Ready for the grand finale?” I shout over the deafening booms. She nods, a curious tilt to her head. My heart pounds in my chest as I reach into my pocket, feeling the weight of the diamond ring.

The fireworks crescendo, painting the night sky with brilliant hues of red, green, and gold. Their reflection shimmers in Lily’s eyes, leaving me breathless at the sight. I can feel the anticipation building inside me, my heart pounding with nervous energy.

As the fireworks continue their dazzling display, I rack my brain for the right words to say when that moment arrives. I could go with a cliche script, but even though this is all for show, that doesn’t seem right. This engagement might be fake, but Lily still deserves something special.

Lily edges closer so that I can hear her. “Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit distracted.”

“Never been better. Just taking in the view.”

“Good.” She smiles, her gaze returning to the sky above us as the fireworks reach their grand finale.

My palms grow clammy as I feel the audience’s eyes upon us, waiting for the grand gesture they’ve come to expect from a man like me.

I hate all the expectations, the pomp, the rumors — even if a lot of them are true.