My phone buzzes, interrupting my momentary peace. Felix’s name flashes across the screen, and my heart skips a beat. Our fake relationship may be purely for show, but it doesn’t stop the butterflies from taking flight inside me every time I see his name or hear his voice.

“Hey,” I answer, trying to sound casual.

“Hello, Lily.” His velvety voice sends shivers down my spine. “I was thinking about our next outing. What do you think about going to the theater or an art gallery?”

I ponder for a moment, weighing the options. “Hmm, both sound interesting. The theater could be fun, but what gallery did you have in mind?”

“The new contemporary art exhibit downtown. I’ve heard great things,” he suggests. His voice is soft, smooth; it sounds like he’s smiling.

I can picture his face in my mind, the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles. I shake off the thought quickly, reminding myself it’s all a show. A beautifully choreographed dance of pretense.

“That sounds perfect,” I say, my voice steady despite the racing of my heart. “Let’s do that.”

“Ah, a woman of culture,” he teases, and I can almost see the playful glint in his eyes. “Gallery it is, then. We can go on Friday.”

As we continue to chat, I pick up on muffled voices in the background and curiosity gets the better of me. “What’s going on there?” I ask.

“I’m helping orchestrate a charity event back in Albavarre,” he says, his tone suddenly serious. “It’s for a program that houses people. I try to stay involved even when I’m not physically present.”

I’m touched by this revelation, seeing yet another side to the enigmatic prince. It’s endearing that he chooses to keep his charitable work private rather than flaunting it for the world to see.

“That’s amazing, Felix,” I tell him sincerely. “I didn’t know you did charity work like that.”

He chuckles softly. “Well, I prefer to keep some things close to my heart. It’s not all about the flashy headlines, you know?”

“Of course,” I agree, my admiration for him growing stronger. “It’s wonderful that you’re doing something so meaningful.”

“Thank you. Now, I should probably get back to organizing this event. I’ll talk to you soon?”

“Absolutely,” I confirm, a smile tugging at my lips. “I’m looking forward to our next fake date.”

“Me too.” He laughs as well. “Bye.”

As I set my phone down, my thoughts drift to the man who has managed to captivate my heart despite everything. The more I learn about Felix, the more I realize that beneath the playboy facade lies a compassionate, complex soul. And though I must continue to guard my own heart, I can’t help but feel drawn to him, like a moth to a flame.

As I glance up, I freeze. Meg is standing at the bottom of the porch steps, her arms crossed and an expression of hurt and disbelief etched on her face. My heart sinks, realizing she must have heard the whole conversation.

“Lily, what’s going on?” she demands, her voice wavering slightly as she ascends the steps towards me. “Why didn’t you tell me your relationship with Felix was a sham?”

I immediately feel defensive, my cheeks warming with embarrassment. Meg is my closest friend, and keeping this secret from her was never my intention. But how could I explain the intricate dance Felix and I were caught up in without revealing the vulnerable truth of my growing feelings for him?

“Look, Meg,” I begin, trying to sound more confident than I feel. “It’s complicated. We’re doing this for… certain reasons. It’s not something I wanted to broadcast.”

Meg’s eyes narrow, concern evident in her gaze. “Are you sure this is what you want?” she asks, her tone shifting from accusatory to caring. “Don’t you want to wait for someone you truly love?”

I scoff, attempting to brush off her concerns while my chest tightens with fear. The truth is, my feelings for Felix are real, but admitting that now would only make this situation messier. I can’t risk jeopardizing our friendship or the delicate balance we’ve struck by revealing the truth to anyone — even my best friend.

“Love isn’t always straightforward, Meg,” I retort. “Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the greater good. And we’ve already talked about this. I don’t believe in fairy tales, remember?”

She looks so sad suddenly that it almost breaks my heart. “I just… I thought that perhaps you had found your happily ever after. You and Felix look so happy in the photos.”

My chest tightens, and I feel a lump forming in my throat as I struggle to keep my voice steady. “Those photos, they’re just… they’re part of the act, Meg. It’s easy because, as you know, Felix and I have been good friends for a long time.”

Her gaze lingers on me, filled with a silent plea for honesty. But honesty would cost too much right now; it’s a luxury I can’t afford.

I turn away, blinking back tears that threaten to spill over, and I wrap my arms around myself as if the act can shield me from the inevitable pain of Meg’s disappointment. For a moment, neither of us says anything, the potential for this conversation to destroy our friendship pressing down on us like a storm cloud ready to burst.

The sun beats down on my skin, warming me from the outside while I feel a chill running through my veins.