“Actually, Felix.” My mother glances at my father before going on. “Since you have not shown any serious interest in anyone, your father and I have taken it upon ourselves to select a few suitable candidates.”

My heart sinks, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as they proceed to list three women from influential families. The idea of being cornered into marrying someone I hardly know, someone I didn’t get to pick myself, feels like a betrayal of everything I hold dear.

I clear my throat. “I appreciate your concern, but I value my freedom above all else. I believe that if I am to marry, it should be my choice.”

“Son, we understand your perspective, but sometimes we must make sacrifices for the greater good.” My father nods once to punctuate his point.

It’s clear that their minds are made up, and there’s nothing I can say that will change that.

As the conversation continues, my mind races with ways to escape this predicament. Settling down is the last thing I want to do, especially after witnessing the disaster of a wedding Lily just endured. And then it hits me — perhaps Lily can be my saving grace. We could work out an arrangement that benefits both of us, allowing us to maintain our independence while appeasing our respective families.

If she’ll go for my plan, that is.

For the first time in days, a smile spreads across my face. “Mother, Father. Thank you for your input on my life. If you’ll excuse me…” I push my chair back.

“Where are you going?” my father asks as I walk away.

“To San Francisco,” I toss over my shoulder.

“But you only just returned,” my mother protests.

“I’m sorry, Mother.” I turn to face them as I walk backwards. “I have business to attend to.”



The sun casts a dappled pattern on the ground as I walk towards my favorite coffee shop. I inhale a deep breath and momentarily forget my woes.

It’s been a couple of weeks since the wedding disaster, and I can’t shake off the cloud of embarrassment that has settled over me. I’ve avoided attending any society events, feeling far too vulnerable to expose myself to everyone’s scrutinizing gaze.

Instead, I’ve channeled all my energy into my charity work, focusing on helping underprivileged children. In a way, it’s been therapeutic, reminding me that there’s more to life than my own broken heart.

As I step into the coffee shop, Meg waves and runs over to greet me. We hug tight, and I breathe in the smells of coffee and freshly baked goods.

Meg steps back to study me. “How are you?”

“Fine,” I lie.

We’ve been talking on the phone every day, and she’s come by my house a few times to check on me, but aside from going to my charity’s office, I’ve been pretty much a recluse.

“Grab a table. I’ll get coffee.” She smiles. “Oat milk latte?”

“You know it. Thanks.”

I grab a small table by the front windows, where the sun filters through hanging plants. Closing my eyes, I let the sun caress my face.

I haven’t heard from Rick at all, nor have I messaged him, but I’ve heard that he’s already out of the country. Hiding away at his family’s place in Costa Rica, one person said.

I don’t care. If I never see that man again, I’ll be happy, thank you very much.

Meg arrives with our lattes, and we cheers the sturdy mugs before taking our first sips.

“So.” She wraps her hands around her mug. “You look good.”

“Well, I showered today.” I laugh. “That’s something.”

She smiles, but I can tell she’s not amused. If anything, she looks concerned. “You know, I’ve been thinking. You need something different, a change of scenery, maybe even an adventure.”