Page 28 of Alien Devil's Match

“Tell me, Erznet, are you familiar with the latest lounge singer at the Black Star Casino? Serena?—”

“Oh, am I!” His face lit up with a burbling laugh.

Seeing him so happy snapped something within me. I was on him in a second. My hand wrapped around his throat as I tore him up from the chair and slammed him into the wall.

“Do you think this is funny?” I drove my fist into his gut. “Do you think this is fucking funny?”

With the wind knocked out of him, Erznet couldn’t respond. So I let him drop to the ground with a hard thud.

“Why are you doing this?” he eventually choked out.

“You know why,” I said as I stomped hard on his hand.

“I don’t, I don’t!”

Part of me wondered if I was going too light on the guy so far. He messed with my woman. He deserved so much more pain. But another part of me realized the more I dragged this out, the more pain he’d be in and the more fun I could have.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” Erznet screamed again.

“Then why did you run?”

“Your guys scared me!”

“Or was it because you knew you’d been caught? You broke into Serena’s dressing room to leave that note. You left that second message for her at her apartment. Then you hung around to do God knows what to her.”

I lifted Erznet back to his feet. Then I slammed him into the wall again.

“I brought her flowers! I would never hurt her!”

“I don’t believe you for a second.”

“It’s true! It’s true!” Tears flowed from his inky black eyes. “I love her! I’ve loved her since I first heard her voice. And she loves me, too!”

“She loves you?”

“Yes… Or, she will. When we finally get to meet. She’ll know that we’re meant for each other.”

In a shocking turn of events, I actually believed him. As more and more tears flowed from his eyes, I couldn’t help but feel like he was being completely honest. Deranged, sure, but honest.

“You’re not working with anyone on this? It’s just you, alone, trying to get her attention?”

“I mean, I told a few friends, but it’s just me.” Erznet looked out into the distance longingly. “I just want to hold her in my arms. Feel her skin against my blubber. Run my hands through her hair. Press my lips against hers. She’s the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever?—”

I cut him off by throwing him across the room into the chair. I’d heard enough. This was just some lunatic who thought he had a chance with a beauty like Serena.

Without another word, I walked towards the door. I could spend all day hurting him for lusting after my woman, but I figured the better option would be to enjoy the benefits of her being my woman, as he rotted.

Besides, she probably wasn’t going to stay as my woman much longer. Because the fact of the matter was that I had to be focused. I couldn’t get distracted.

We had some fun. But it wasn’t serious. It couldn’t be serious.

“You can try to stand between true love,” Erznet mumbled as he tried to get to his feet. “But that’s the thing about true love. It always wins out in the end.”

“Maybe,” I said, opening the door out of the room. “But why would she ever love you?” Then I slammed the door behind me.

“Well?” Koda asked after a beat.

“Yeah, he’s just some weird fucker. Bring him to Alkard to be held in a cell for the time being. We can figure out what to do with him later.”