Page 18 of Alien Devil's Match

“But you must have gotten some formal training?” Jalik asked. “Or sang in a choir in your school years.”

“Nope, too expensive, and didn’t have the time. I had to start working young. Singing was just something I could do to get some food. Also, it made it a way for me to forget my loneliness. It made it a way to forget about the pain and suffering I’d survived, the struggles I’ve had as I’ve grown older.. Now, I just do it to remind myself of my humanity… Or at least I used to.”

“Why ‘used to’?”

“I don’t know… It’s different when it’s work.”

“Hey!” yelled some Nazok as he stumbled into the bar. “It’s that singer from the Black Star. Sing us a song! You?—”

Jalik looked at the bartender, who then nodded his head toward a bouncer at the door. Who in turn quickly grabbed the Nazok by the arm and tossed them out the door.

“Why would I ever want to get used to that?” I reiterated.

“That’s fair.” Jalik laughed. “At least when I get bothered by annoying fans, I can knock them out and be over with it. And they might even thank me.”

“I’d kill for that.” I laughed, too. I took another sip of my drink and let the burn wash down me, then continued. “I considered myself lucky to get that job washing dishes. Most young women like me in indentured contracts… Well, just washing dishes was a miracle.”

“I can only imagine.”

“I don’t know how much you know, Jalik. But washing dishes was what I was doing when your boss discovered me. I was just singing to myself, and he took me away on the spot to make me perform at the casino.”

“My boss?” Jalik’s face scrunched up. “Oh, you mean Draven? Draven isn’t my boss.”

“Oh, sorry, I just assumed.”

“No, I suppose it could be confusing on the outside,” Jalik said. But I could tell he was annoyed. I could only imagine if I were anyone else, he wouldn’t let that mistake slip so easily. “Draven runs the casino, yes, but he isn’t my boss, not really.”


“Us Black Star Vinduthi, we became a tight-knit brotherhood in the war. We all saved each other’s lives more than any of us could count. When the war ended, well, we didn’t want to break up the brotherhood and went into business here. I’m in charge of the guards.”

“I see… but wait, then why are you always in the ring?”

“Because there is nowhere else I’d rather be. The others may disagree, but I was always the best fighter of the group. By stepping into the ring, bringing in the money from the fights to the casino, I’m doing my part to help the business grow.”


“Plus, after winning a big fight… Well, nothing attracts the ladies quite like that.”

Under the table, Jalik pressed his knee against mine. And I didn’t pull away. Maybe it was the liquor or the fire still burning inside from how he led me here, but I liked it. I liked how forward he was.

The rest of the night went much like that. We talked and got to know each other more. All the while, Jalik gave death glares to anyone who came too close or fans prepared to interrupt us.

Which I appreciated. I didn’t want any of this to stop or get paused all because some drunk asshole wanted to punch Jalik or get me to sing for his birthday.

He told me stories from the war or running the casino. I told him about life in The Under or what it really meant to be indentured. And all the while, we took any and every opportunity to touch each other.

Jalik passed me the next round of drinks, and we let our fingers linger together on the glass. I told him about getting my nails and hair done for the show and let him hold my hands and touch my hair to inspect. He talked about old battle scars and let me run my hands over his toned body to feel.

Before I knew it, it was time to leave the bar. But I could’ve stayed in that booth with him for hours on end without being ready to leave.

“Serena, do you—” Jalik started to ask as we stepped out of the bar. But he stopped himself.

“Do I what?”

“I don’t know if I should say.”

“Say it, Jalik. Don’t worry.” The words flowed out of me as he looked me in the eyes. I wanted to hear every word he had to say.