Page 16 of Alien Devil's Match

Then, a new realization entered my head. Serena was scared someone was trying to get her. And she got separated from the person who was protecting her. If she wasn’t grabbed, she’d hide in a place no one would think to look for her.

I retraced the steps again as the crowd started to thin until I found it. A place no one, not even me until a few minutes ago, would ever think to look for her.

The janitor’s closet nearest to the venue.

I quickly stepped into it, closing the door behind me. I then flicked the light on and my theory was proven right. Crouched in the corner of the closet, behind some disinfecting lasers, was Serena.

“There you are.” I breathed a sigh of frustrated relief. “What the hell were you thinking?”

She didn’t say anything, just stayed crouched with her head in her hands. Her breathing was rapid.

“You know you were hiding from me too in here?” I continued, venting all my annoyance. “If you don’t want our protection anymore, fine. Just say it. And we’ll toss you to the wolves. Just –!”

The words got caught in my throat as I stepped closer to her and got a better look. She was absolutely terrified. I saw the tears rolling down her face through her fingers.

Guilt rushed into every inch of me. I never thought too hard about why she might be hiding. Then when I found her, I just launched into her. I didn’t even give her the chance to feel safe with my arrival.

I slowly approached Serena. This type of thing wasn’t exactly my forte. I protected people from physical harm and then called it a day. But this was a lot more… complicated.

I crouched down to her level. Then, slowly, I placed my hand on her back. With my touch, her low whimpering stopped, and she lifted her head out of her hands.

“This… was a rough night,” I said as I slowly rubbed her back with my hand. “But I need you to know that I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. Not ever. That is a Jalik promise. And I can assure you, I don’t break promises.”

With my other hand, I reached out to her. Some of her hair had gotten wet from her tears and was matted to her face. Gently, I brushed the hair behind her ear.

Before I knew it, she leaned her face into my hand. For a moment, I indulged in the contact. Feeling her soft human skin against mine was unexpectedly soothing. Any lingering frustration towards her for running off and hiding, faded away into a long distant memory and was replaced by a craving for more. I needed to have her.

But I shook it off and pulled away. Even if I thought it was remotely a good idea, now would not be the time. I wouldn’t let it happen.

Serena had been traumatized. She was not in the right headspace cowering in this closet. What she needed was simply a steady hand to help her to her feet.

“Take some deep breaths,” I suggested. “In… out. In… out.”

Serena followed my commands, breathing when I suggested. In time, her body stopped shaking. Her eyes cleared of her terror.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better… I think,” she choked out.

“Good,” I said as I stood up. I then stretched a hand down for her to take. “Now, how about we get you somewhere a little more comfortable than a janitor’s closet?”

“Yeah… Yeah… That sounds good.”

Serena then took my hand, and I helped her up. Our hands lingered together for a moment. But I once again pulled away from her.

Slowly but steadily, we moved out of the janitor’s closet. We stepped out, and luckily, the crowd outside had thinned out even more. Just a few stragglers shuffled around the area.

Next to me, Serena started to control her breathing, bit by bit, but the edge of fear was still present. There must be something for me to do.

I meant my promise. I would never let anything bad happen to her. Now I just had to figure out what that meant at that moment. I wanted to help her get through this as much as I could. But only one possible remedy to her nerves came to my head.

“Serena?” I asked. “Would you like to go get a drink?”


“Iknow a good place not far from here,” Jalik continued. “Considering that shift changes aren’t for a while, it should be pretty empty.”

I wasn’t sure what to say to him. This was an offer I never truly expected. Especially with how the night was going. He was so angry when he found me.