“Ellor,” Orin suggested.
“Lacks the subtly to be an effective assassin,” I countered. “He’s also the only one with no possible motive. His father, maybe? But he was offering his daughter at the castle event, so I doubt it.”
“Unless he planned to have Ella kill you,” Atlas shrugged.
“If that were the case, she wouldn’t have run off with you,” I smirked. “She would have been making more of an attempt for my attention.”
“We’ll look into it,” Liras offered. “Orin and I can investigate without drawing as much attention as you or Atlas would.”
“There will be less activity with Z and I away,” I nodded. “While we’re visiting the human king, see if you can glean any new information. Talk to the kitchen staff as well. They might have noticed a lord skulking around the plates before they’re served.”
Liras and Orin acknowledged the plan and set off, leaving me with Atlas in the garden.
“I should come with you,” Atlas argued.
“I need you to look after Orin,” I countered.
“Liras is here.”
“Liras is nineteen,” I protested. “I know without a doubt that he’d give his life for Orin, but he needs looking after, too. He shows it less, but he’s struggling. I can’t let him carry my brother’s burden by himself. You understand?”
“Yeah,” Atlas ran his hand over his face. “You going to be alright? Visiting Keldsfen, I mean.”
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “Liras’s description was bad enough.”
“Does Alda know?”
“No,” I sighed. “The less people who know, the safer Orin is.”
Atlas nodded but didn’t appear entirely convinced.
“She stayed with you all night,” he said. “I tried to switch off with her several times, but she refused to leave your side.”
I shouldn’t have been surprised. One of the things that drew me to Zialda was her loyalty. She gave her all to anyone she cared about, but knowing I was a part of that group did something to my insides. I rubbed at the dull ache on my chest. There was no point in denying how I felt about my wife, even if it was the exact situation I had hoped to avoid.
“Fuck,” I groaned.
“Leor loves his wife,” Atlas sang the words.
“Yeah,” I sighed. “I do.”
Chapter 21
I had never been on a ship before, but there was a part of me that wanted to become a pirate queen and sail around the realm on a large vessel. The breeze felt incredible on my skin, carrying a fine mist and the scent of salt through the air.
“You look beautiful,” Leor said as he approached where I stood on the bow.
“Like a queen?” I smiled at him over my shoulder.
“Like my queen,” he smirked.
While we hadn’t had a repeat of our time in the council chambers almost a month ago, Leor had been considerably more flirtatious. I wondered if nearly dying had anything to do with his more affectionate demeanor, but I didn’t particularly care where it came from.
I hadn’t gotten laid in ages, but it was only a matter of time before I got what I wanted from the king.
The outline of the harbor approached, but Leor pulled my attention away from the view as he placed my crown on my head and adjusted my hair.