Page 63 of Under the Lion Star

I barely slept most of the night. Atlas came in several times, offering to relieve me of duty and instructing Orin or Liras to watch the doorway, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t leave Leor’s side until I was sure he was okay.

Sanna entered the room sometime past midnight, having figured out something was wrong when her brother stood sentry over her all evening.

“What happened?” She chewed nervously on her thumb.

I looked to Atlas, wondering how much Sanna knew. He gave me a slight nod.

“Someone has been trying to kill your brother,” I told her, my body tensing at her sad gasp. “He and Atlas have been staving off most things, but whoever wants him dead is growing more desperate.”

“He’s going to be okay?” She whispered.

“Yes, princess,” Atlas set his large hand on her shoulder. “Alda was able to give him an antidote.”

“Will you teach me?” Sanna asked, her light blue eyes searching mine.

I opened my mouth but hesitated for a moment. Did I want to expose her to the reality that most of what we studied in medicine could harm as much as heal? My own words to Leor played back to me.

“I’d be happy to,” I gave her a small smile. “My Aunt Stella taught me. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to have another set of hands on the weekends when we brew potions together.”

“I’d like that,” Sanna smiled.

“Not tonight, though,” I tipped my head toward the door. “Tonight, you need to rest. I’ll make sure your brother remains in one piece.”

The princess nodded, moving back toward the door where Orin waited to escort her safely.

“You need sleep, Alda,” Atlas sighed.

“I know,” I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

I slid into the covers beside Leor, listening as Atlas told Liras to watch over the door. He took his spot in the seat I’d been using next to the bed, holding onto his best friend's hand and offering me a small smile.

“Sleep,” he said with a stern glare. “I’ll keep an eye on both of you, and Liras won’t let anyone in.”

I nodded, lasting only a moment before my eyes drifted closed, my fingers curling around Leor’s hand as Atlas held his other.

Chapter 20


My head felt as if there were daggers lodged into my temples. The throbbing ache was so sharp I almost wished they’d have let me die instead.

I groaned, turning my head on the sweat-soaked pillow beneath me. Somehow, I’d wound up in my bed.

“Thank the Gods,” Zialda whispered, brushing her fingertips over my forehead.

“Atlas,” I rasped.

“He’s sleeping in my room,” she answered for me. “Liras and Orin are standing guard. We’re fine.”

“Water,” I croaked.

“Here,” a straw pressed to my lips, but the angle was too awkward.

I moved to sit, Z helping guide me. The sheets pooled around my hips as I adjusted, and I gave her a suspicious glance through narrowed eyes.

“You were sweating a lot, so I took your clothes off. Get over it,” she scoffed.

“No need to take advantage,” I smirked. “I’m a willing husband.”