Page 19 of Twenty-four Three

“Yeah, he was, but he doesn’t have anything to do with it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Life is more appealing than the alternative…”

Carter kept his eyes on McKenna, communicating what that meant. Disloyalty would not be tolerated.

“Oh, well who else?”

“A lot of people don’t like me. I’m not a likable person.”

“I won’t disagree but why don’t other people like you?”

She tightened her arms around her legs and rocked, flexing her toes, pushing them deeper into the cushion. Carter watched her, hesitating. He barely allowed the people he was closely associated with to know his plans. Especially those associated with how he kept money in his pocket and a roof over his head.

But he felt comfortable telling McKenna so he did.

“I have magic hands.”

“Which means?”

“I make people disappear.”

“You…you’re a…wow.” An assassin. “That’s a real thing?”

“A very real thing.”

“Mmm.” Her brows pinched as she stared at him, nodding like she was really processing what Carter was telling her.

“What’s all that?”

She smiled in the most adorable way. “I’m putting it all together.”

“I see.” Carter chuckled. “And what’s your determination?”

“Well…” She paused and tugged at her lip a little. “You kill people. Even if they’re bad people, they’re good to somebody, right?”

“Sometimes, but not always. Most of the jobs I accept are for people who have done horrible things which means there aren’t any good people in their lives.”

“Is that how you justify what you do?”

“I don’t justify what I do. It’s a job that pays the bills. That’s how I look at it.”


“Does it bother you?”

“That you can be so cavalier about…” She paused. “…about doing what you do, does seem callous. I don’t know how I feel but my opinion on your life doesn’t matter.”

“It might?” His eyes connected with hers and for the first time since before he’d lost his parents, he cared what someone else thought of how he lived.

McKenna decided not to focus on what he was implying and asked another question. “So the list of people who don’t like you is extremely long?”

“It is.”


“You better stop humming like that before we have to put this little session on pause so we can get active again.”