Page 29 of Twenty-four Three

She sighed again.

Nothing this good is supposed to last, she thought.

“Go to sleep, Kenni. When we wake up, you can go back to not wanting me here,” Carter said lowly against her neck. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Who says I want you here?”

“Those heavy ass thoughts you’re having about whether or not you still want to give that nigga another chance, say you do and you will. Just sex. We had a deal, now take your ass to sleep.”

By noon, they were both up and dressed, after another round of sex in the shower. McKenna rebandaged Carter’s shoulder, they ordered lunch, then settled onto the sofa to watch TV. Neither of them spoke about the morning they’d had nor did they behave like two people who had been recklessly intimate last night.

The day was a perfect mix of nothing and everything but with each hour that passed McKenna couldn’t help but obsess about what would happen the next morning. Carter could stay forever and he already made it clear he wouldn’t.

I’m going to walk away from this and you and your life need to go back to the way it was.

By midnight McKenna could no longer ignore the weight of what had plagued her all day. Carter was leaving.

“I have to work tomorrow.”

He glanced at her on the opposite end of the sofa. She had her legs tucked beneath her, arms folded and head resting on them.

“Yeah I know.”

“Are you going to leave?”

“Are you asking me to?”

She smiled softly. “Would it matter if I did? You kind of have this thing about not doing what other people want you to do.”

Carter chuckled and nodded. “I think I’m healed enough to get out of your space.”

She frowned slightly at the idea of him no longer being there. “I thought you needed to figure out what happened.”

“I do, but I also don’t want to bring my shit to your door.”

“No one knows you’re here.”

Carter studied her for a minute. “Be careful, Kenni, sounds like you want me to stay. We had a deal.”

“Just sex, I know, and that’s not it. I’m just thinking about what happens when you leave.”

“You don’t need to think about me. Think about that lame ass doctor who better act like he has some damn sense this time.” Carter’s intense stare landed on McKenna but she ignored what he was communicating.

“Well if he doesn’t, you promised to handle him for me.” She grinned and Carter chuckled.

“Yeah I did.”

She stared at him, allowing her teeth to tease her lip. “So I’ll see you again?”

“No,” he said firmly.

“Then how will you know if I need you?” she asked quietly.

“I’ll know.”

Carter’s phone vibrated in his pocket and when he put eyes on the screen he knew his time with McKenna was coming to an end as he read the text from Brooks.

We need to talk.