Page 26 of Twenty-four Three

“While the only quality of mine you seem partial to is my dick…” He smirked and added, “And maybe my tongue, which means you don’t really like me, I fuck with you. So yeah. Let me help you decide. He’s a doctor and shit. That seems like the type of man you should be with.”

“You don’t know me to know what type of man I should be with.” She relaxed her expression and smiled. “And I don’t only like your dick and tongue. They just happen to be my favorite qualities of yours, not the only.”

“Good to know, so tell me about your dude.”

McKenna released a sigh. “He’s a neurosurgeon, one of the best in the country so he travels a lot, or rather, he used to. I’m not sure about that part anymore. According to my mom, he’s taking a posting at Mount Sinai for me.”

“That’s why y’all didn’t work, because he was too busy to be your man?”

“Yes and please don’t be like everyone else and say I’m crazy. He’s a doctor who makes a shit load of money and I should be happy that he wants to be with me.”

“Why the fuck would I say that?”

“Because it’s what most people say. They don’t get it.”

“I’m not most people. Regardless of his occupation, he should find a way to make you a priority. Never settle, that shit is not acceptable. I get that he’s a doctor but money doesn’t make up for time. If your hustle is strong, you can always stack bread but time is precious. You can’t get that shit back when you piss away opportunities to make a beautiful woman feel appreciated.”

She stared at him, brows pinched, eyes intense, struggling to decide how someone so far removed from her world could understand her needs so perfectly.

“You saying I should give him another chance?”

“If he cares enough to make changes in his life to actively be a part of yours and you care about him, then yeah, I think you should. Life is short. You shouldn’t settle but you also shouldn’t miss opportunities to be happy.”

“Does that same apply to you?”

He shook his head, knowing she would never understand how different they were, so he didn’t bother trying to explain. “Nah, it doesn’t.”

McKenna frowned, staring at him again. “That’s sad and lonely.”

Carter smiled. “I’m never lonely, Kenni, trust me. I have plenty of things to keep me busy.”

“Of course you do,” she mumbled.

“Don’t be jealous. You have a doctor that fucks with people’s heads, just know that if he fucks with your heart again, you have a friend who will pull up to handle things for you.” Carter winked and McKenna shook her head, smiling softly at how easily he switched up.

“There are so many things wrong with what you just offered but I’ll choose not to get into that.”

She lifted to stand, collecting her plate and his. “I’m going to clean the kitchen. You can go do whatever it is that you do when you’re not annoying me.”

“I’m stuck here so that’s not possible. Why don’t you leave those and we can do whatever you usually do when you’re off.”

“I’m not leaving this mess in there.” She frowned, thinking about her mother. McKenna wasn’t the best with cleaning but kitchens and bathrooms were always a priority.

“Leave it for now and I’ll do it later. I already fucked up your time off by being here. You should at least get to enjoy some of it.”

McKenna placed their dirty dishes in the sink, locked her arms over her chest, and angled her head to the side. “You clean?”

“Yeah, damn.” He laughed, returning the same energy.

“You can’t blame me for being surprised. I figured some of those things that keep you busy might clean for you instead.”

“Nah, I’m resourceful as hell and I don’t like people in my space so that’s a hard ass no.”

“I misjudged you.”

“Misjudged me again, but I’mma let you live. Now what are we doing today.”
