“And what’s best has changed?” She narrowed her eyes, delivering a hard stare.

“No, it hasn’t but I love McKenna so I’ve made adjustments to ensure that this works.”

“Marriages have to do more than just work, Carter…” She sarcastically mocked him.He was amused at how interacting with McKenna’s mother felt like dealing with McKenna. They were a lot alike.

“I’m aware.”

“What do you do…” He lifted his eyes and hers were waiting. She further clarified. “How are you going to support McKenna?”

Okay, right to the point.

“I’m financially stable. I’m more than capable of supporting your daughter.”

You don’t fucking know me.

“What do you do, Carter? She’ll soon be your wife, but she’s my daughter. You haven’t been around. You’re here now. I assume that means you’ll stay around. You have to expect that I’m concerned considering you weren’t with my daughter because of things you had going on in your life. Whatever those anonymous things were.”

“You should be concerned. I wouldn’t expect anything less, but one thing you will never have to worry about or fear is that she will go without. Never will she be harmed in any way, by me or anyone else. It will not fucking happen. No matter who I am, what you believe me to be, or what I do, know that she is my first priority, always.”

“But you walked away once. A ring won’t make you stay if that’s not truly what your heart desires.”

“I made a huge mistake but I made that mistake because she has been my priority since the day we met. It will not happen again. I give you my word.”

His eyes met hers, locked in a heated stare, and she nodded. “Good because I may just be her mother but a mother’s love is nothing to play with, Carter Reed. Please don’t ever make me prove that to you.” She narrowed her stare and he nodded respectfully with understanding.

“Good because like it or not, I meant what I said.”

He chuckled and she relaxed her posture. “I look forward to earning your trust because I assure you, I will.”

Carter lifted from the chair and she did the same.

“I see how you got that ring on her finger.” His eyes lifted to hers and she smiled smugly and arched a brow. “You’re very handsome and charming but that will only get you so far with me. Please keep in mind that my priority is my daughter’s wellbeing more so than happiness. I’m sure you can make my McKenna very happy, Carter, but the more important issue is if she’s in good hands with you. That’s where my husband and I differ. If a choice has to be made, her being unhappy over being safe wins every time in my book. Happiness will find you if you’re willing to…”

“Compromise…” He completed her sentence. And fuck the idea of McKenna settling again so he added, “McKenna will never settle or compromise. She doesn’t have to. I will be all things to her, always.”

She smiled and nodded. “Welcome to the family, Carter.”

Her delicate hand clasped his arm then she left the kitchen.

As soon as Carter stepped outside to join them, McKenna noticed how her father’s eyes darted from his wife to Carter then back to her mother. He smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

“I think it’s time for me to undo whatever your mother has done to that young man.”

McKenna glanced at Carter and grinned at her father. “She might be the one you need to check on.”

Moses chuckled and planted another kiss on his daughter's cheek before he waved Carter over. “You smoke?”

McKenna frowned at her father when Carter approached. “Carter doesn’t smoke cigarettes.”

“Good, neither do I.” Moses winked at his daughter and moved to the small table in the corner of their deck. He opened a plastic box and removed something before motioning for Carter to join him with a toss of his head. “Come take a walk with me.”

“Dad, is that…”

“Mind your business, Kenni.” Carter brought her to him until her body thudded against his and pressed his mouth to hers. “Let me go holla at your father then we can head out.”

“Okay…” She smiled against his mouth before he actually kissed her.

She watched Carter’s confident gait as he walked out into the yard alongside her father and couldn’t help the smile that surfaced.