His mouth was on hers before she could get the word out, three letters he swallowed confidently with a kiss.

When he pulled back and pressed his forehead to hers, she smiled. “I love you.”

“You better because I love yo’ ass too.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes while Carter lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles, same as he’d done last night when he put the ring on her finger.

A promise that she was forever his.

The next morning McKenna and Carter boarded a private jet he chartered to take them to Florida. He refused to tell her where they were going, so when they landed, and she realized they were in Clearwater, she knew something was up.

As soon as their things were loaded into the waiting car and she was seated next to Carter in the passenger seat, she fired off questions.


“You don’t like Florida?”

“I love Florida but we’re in Clearwater. My parents live here.”

He smirked as he navigated them from the airport. “I know.”

“Is that why we’re here, to meet my parents?”

“You don’t want me to meet your parents, Kenni?”

“I…yes…you can meet my parents whenever you want.”

“Good because we’re having dinner with them tonight.”

Her eyes went wide. “You talked to them?”

“I did.”


“Does it matter?”

“No, but…”

“Then relax.”

“Relax?” she huffed. “You just admitted to talking to my parents without me knowing and we’re here to have dinner with them. Relaxing is the last thing I’ll be doing.”

“I have ways to help you relax.” When she narrowed a glare on him, Carter chuckled. “You got something to hide?”


“Then are you worried what they’ll think of me?”

She swung her head in his direction and frowned. “No, I’m not. I love my parents but my life is mine. They don’t have to approve my choices…”

“But you want them to. You want them to be happy that you’re marrying me…” The statement was heavy and McKenna exhaled a sigh.

“I do, but they could absolutely hate you and I would still love you.”

Carter reached across the seat, lifted her hand, and kissed her knuckles. “Good, but I’ll do my best to impress them so they don’t.”

She grinned and shifted her body, leaning toward Carter with her elbow on the center console of the car. “Your goal is to impress my parents?”