She exhaled a shaky breath from the intensity of his stare, the challenge he presented, daring her to disagree.

“Okay, but temporarily.”

His eyes moved to the bed. “You need anything?”

“I would like to take a shower. I’m a little anxious right now.”

“The bathroom is over there. Use what you want.”

His eyes slowly crawled over McKenna’s body, making her feel uncomfortable. She was in loose sweats and a hoodie. Her hair was a mess and she felt like an alien in her own body at the moment, but the way this man looked at her had McKenna fighting a smile.


“You’re beautiful.”

“I’m a mess, and gross.”

“You’re beautiful, McKenna.” His eyes moved over her once more then he was gone.

Her face heated and she turned, heading to the bathroom, ducking her head briefly to hide a smile even though Carter was nowhere in sight. Once she stepped into the massive bathroom, she realized just how magnificent his place truly was.

Just like the rest of the apartment, the bathroom was clean and exquisite—black granite counters, four massive mirrors with black metal framing, smoky glass light fixtures, and matte gold hardware on the counters and drawers. A glass enclosure traveled down one wall, creating an endless shower with a huge, square, free-standing tub at one end that looked like it could fit an entire NBA starting lineup.

McKenna walked around the massive room, dragging her fingers over the countertops and across the walls before she stopped at the panel next to the shower, frowning at the controls.

“How the hell do I work this?” she mumbled and startled when she felt a presence behind her. “Shit, Carter.” McKenna’s palm landed flat on her chest. When she glanced over her shoulder she found him smiling smugly.

“I see not much has changed,” he teased with amusement in his eyes as he reached over her shoulder and pressed a few buttons. “Power starts the water. These control the rotation. There are six heads on each end, three overhead, and the main one in the center. Move the arrows up and down to adjust the water temperature or just type it in.”


“What?” He stepped away, leaning against the counter. She turned to face him, bracing her back against the wall that held the control panel.

“You seem different but the same.”

Carter smirked, gripping the counter. “I don’t know what the fuck that means, Kenni.”

“You feel the same but seeing you here is like experiencing a different version of you.”

He pushed away from the counter, crowding her again. “I’m the same man, and for the record, you haven’t felt me yet. But you will…” He edged closer so his body brushed hers, barely but it didn’t matter. He was also wrong, she felt him all over. Inside and out. It was impossible not to feel Carter Reed.

“I need to make a few calls. I’ll come check on you in a few.”

McKenna swallowed thickly. “Okay.”

He smiled, sinfully confident. “Are you nervous, Kenni?”

“No, are you?”

“No, I’m complete.” He physically left the bathroom but his presence remained, alluring and powerful. Carter was about to shift her life once again and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to stand firm or prevent the inevitability of being knocked off her axis.

By the time Carter returned to McKenna’s room, she was comfortably snuggled in bed. She needed answers but felt safe with Carter so more than anything she needed sleep.

“I’m already anxious. You’re going to have to relax. You’re tense.”

“I’m not tense, I’m processing,” he murmured, taking in the reality of McKenna in his apartment.

“And processing means you can’t relax?”