“When did he leave?”

“Half an hour ago.”


She was disappointed that a few hours before, Carter was rushing her home only to not be here when she arrived.

“Fix your face, Kenni. That’s how this works. When the job comes, you handle it. You also don’t send out smoke signals documenting your every move.”

She fully entered the living room, unloading the rest of her bags. Brooks followed, adding the one he was holding to the group.

“I know how this works.”

“Do you?” The amusement was back in his tone and it grated her nerves.

“Yes, I do. It’s necessary if I’m going to be here.”

He settled on the sofa, extending his arms across the back. McKenna frowned harshly at the uninvited comfort. “Are you going to be here?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes.”

“I’m only asking since you used the word if , which denotes uncertainty.”

“What’s your problem with me?” She locked her arms over her chest and Brooks stared, silently taking her in, but not in a lustful way. He was assessing and gauging her mood as well as intentions.

“I don’t have a problem with you but you clearly have one with me.”

“You don’t think I should? Have you forgotten how we met?”

Brooks smirked. “Nah, I haven’t. That wasn’t about you. At the time you were a resource. Carter needed help, you were the person he chose to assist him. My job was to ensure you did your part. That’s how shit works, Kenni. It’s not personal.”

“You breaking into my house and pointing a gun at me was personal.”

“To you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine, silly me for having any feeling at all about that night.”

His brows pinched and he brushed a hand over his head before dropping it into his lap. McKenna fully took him in. Brooks was handsome. Sharp edges to pair with his crass demeanor, but very handsome.

“You have the right to feel how you feel, but just so you know, I would have never laid a finger on you. Not like that. I don’t hurt women and I damn sure don’t take anything they’re not offering. I apologize for how things played out but if the situation were on repeat, I would handle things the same.”

She stared silently and nodded. “Apology accepted and we don’t have to revisit this again. Truce?” She stepped forward and extended a hand. Brooks grinned and it softened his features when his hand met hers.

“You’re weird as fuck.”

“How am I weird?”

“Just your vibe, but I mean that as a compliment. You offered a truce to a killer, Kenni. You don’t think that’s weird?”

She smiled and shrugged. “Nope. You admitted that you don’t hurt women.”

“People lie.”

“They do, but you wouldn’t. Not to me. Carter would hate you for it and you respect him too much to lose his respect.”

Brooks chuckled. “I guess you have me all figured out.”

“Not even a little bit.” She turned and headed to the kitchen. “You want anything?”