‘Yeah…” McKenna rushed out on an exhale.

“Carter is a loner. Always has been. I don’t know if that was by choice or what, but you are his choice, McKenna. Don’t take that lightly.”

“I won’t.”

“Oh and one more thing. For your own peace, don’t ask too many questions. Especially if you’re not fully prepared to handle the answers. Avoiding those morally gray areas is better for both of you and also allows him the ability to keep those two worlds separate. Separation gives him the ability to have a somewhat normal life. Regardless of who he is and what he does, he deserves that.”

McKenna nodded and finished what was left of her wine. “May I?” She motioned to the bottle.

“Help yourself. After what I just unloaded, sharing my private stock is the least I can do.” Elena smiled, lifted the bottle, and McKenna extended her arm for Elena to refill her glass.

“This is really good by the way.”

“It’s one of my favorites. Come, let me show you a few more. My wine collection is one of my highlights. There are some perks to this life. It’s not all bad.” She winked at McKenna who smiled and followed Elena through the kitchen with thoughts of her own. Carter was the perk and well worth everything attached to his life.

“This is a twisted fuck,” Carter murmured and stepped away from the file on Kohen’s computer about Alvin Jordan.

Kohen nodded to agree, cleared the data, then locked it away into a protected file, and leaned back in his desk chair while Carter settled on the sofa. He dropped his elbows on his knees and massaged his chin, his thoughts already shifting to ensuring Alvin’s death was painful instead of quick.

“You wanted to know about my FBI contact.” Kohen’s voice broke his thoughts. Carter lifted his eyes, his stare laced with annoyance.

“I need a favor, but it will have to be discreet. How much do you trust him?”

“Not at all.” Carter’s eyes narrowed and Kohen clarified, “The question you need to ask is how much does he love his life.”

Carter chuckled dryly and nodded. “I need him to run a federal clearance on me.”

Kohen’s furrowed brow had Carter further explaining.

“To see if anything comes up, but I also want to ensure I’m not on any radars after he runs the clearance.”

“That won’t be a problem but why the fuck would you need a federal agency clearance? What aren’t you telling me?”

“I’d rather not say.”

Kohen’s expression remained neutral. “That’s not how this works. He’s risking a lot, and by default, so am I? What the fuck is going on, Carter?”

“I need to know if my birth certificate is legitimate. The only way I can know with certainty is via a federal agency clearance.”

“You don’t have a passport?”

“Who the fuck would I travel outside the country with?”

Carter’s life was confined to work. McKenna was changing how he viewed his future, little by little, and because she was, he would undoubtedly need a passport. If his documents weren’t legitimate he could easily get a forged one that was undetectable. Money made shit happen and Carter had plenty but for now…

“Point taken.”Kohen smiled with amusement before his expression grew serious again. “Is this about Kessler?”

“Amongst other things,” Carter gritted in annoyance. His thoughts were weighted with uncertainty and he didn’t do well with the unknown.

“Such as?”

Letting people in wasn’t necessarily his thing, but for this he needed an outside voice, one he could trust.

“Have you ever heard of the Angels of Death?”

Carter noticed the shift and felt it as well. Kohen was familiar and not happy about the mention, which had him following up with, “What do you know?”

“Not much.” Kohen’s expression darkened with sincerity. “But they’re not the group you want to know about. They’re killers and not like us, Carter. It’s deeper, darker. What we do is child’s play in comparison to AOD. Ending up on their kill list means you’re caught up in some pretty dark shit. Their orders come from high up. So high, in fact, no one knows who or what the fuck they’re connected to or who’s calling the shots. Please tell me you’re not on their radar somehow. Is that what this is about? Why you want a federal agency clearance?”