“I knew your ass couldn’t make this simple.”

She climbed out of bed, still grinning. “You asked. Wasn’t I supposed to answer honestly?”

He shot her a narrowed glare and she followed him into the bathroom. He headed straight for the toilet while she moved to the sink, rolling her eyes at how he had no qualms about being exposed around her.

An hour later they were seated at Wingz Spot.

Carter had twenty 10K gold wings, their specialty version of Carolina Tangy gold sauce, and McKenna was working on twenty honey lemon pepper while stealing flats from Carter’s basket.

Most of the tables on the perimeter of the restaurant were filled and the tall tables down the middle were almost filled because of the lunch crowd.

Since Carter was down three flats thanks to McKenna freely helping herself to his food, he flagged down a server and ordered another ten after she reached for her fourth.

“If you want me to stop eating your food, just say so, you didn’t have to order more.”

She dropped the clean bone onto the pile centered between their metal baskets. Carter chuckled and confiscated one of her wings.

“You can have anything I own, Kenni, and if you want something that my name doesn’t have a claim to, I’ll snatch that shit up and it’s as good as yours too.”

“Should you be making those types of claims in public? That sounded very criminalish.” She teased.

“If you’re concerned with me taking something that doesn’t belong to me more than you are about other things I do, then I might need to be concerned about you.”

She frowned at how unabashedly he spoke about his life. Carter could read her mind just as clearly as if she’d spoken the words out loud.

“I have to accept the life I chose along with everything that comes with it. Otherwise I’ll spend a lot of time in dark places.”

He refused to make apologies for the man he was. McKenna would have to accept all of him or nothing at all. So he pushed past the subject and settled into one that had been bugging him for the past three months.

“Did you sleep with him?”

McKenna froze and lifted her eyes to meet Carter’s icy stare. She relaxed her posture and ripped into a wing, one from her own plate, before she answered.

“Did you sleep with her?”

He smugly delivered an opposing question to piss her off. “Which her would you be referring to?”

“Any of them and please be clear about how many because I’m sure there are plenty.”

“There were plenty and the answer is no. I haven’t been with anyone since you. I’ve been a little busy.”

“You’re busy now and you’re with me.”

“You make time for things and people that are important. I thought we had this discussion already.”

“We did and no, I didn’t sleep with him.”

His eyes darkened and his tone turned malicious when he stated, “I guess doc’s hands are safe. No broken bones in his near future.”

“Why would you break his hands, Carter?”

“Because it’s the lesser of two evils. If I did what I wanted, you would feel a lot more remorse.”

“You’re insane.”

“I’m a man who doesn’t like sharing.”

“You left.”