Kohen smirked. “And I did. I didn’t, however, promise how I would deliver him. As you can see, he’s alive and well, and very anxious to ensure that you are not.”

“What the hell is going on, Kohen?” Carter stepped up to Kohen’s shoulder, hand still securely on his gun, but no longer aiming it at Kessler. He wasn’t sure who, if anyone, he was going to shoot at the moment.

“Kessler here employed our services to get rid of you. It seems he became fearful for his life after you ended Jessup’s. I could only assume he was next on your list. Since he reached out, I decided to offer you an easy, clean kill.”

Kessler’s voice elevated. “You took my money.”

“I did, didn’t I? Which is pretty fucked up considering there are no refunds.” Kohen smirked and stepped back. “But at the moment you should be more concerned with Carter and his gun than with my business practices.”

As if he just realized how severely he fucked up, Kessler’s nervous eyes landed on Carter who clenched his jaw. Kessler was the last name on his list. He didn’t need Kohen’s help but since things played out that way, he wouldn’t piss away the opportunity to end this.

When Carter had his gun aimed at him, Kessler didn’t hesitate to use whatever he had to potentially save his life.

“I know why Jessup killed your father and it had nothing to do with him being afraid of what you knew about us. The murders.”

“Jessup didn’t kill my father. He put a hit out on my mother.”

“No, you’re wrong. What happened to your mother wasn’t about Jessup.”

Carter moved closer with confident steps and Kessler backed away until he had nowhere else to go. His back met the concrete wall and the barrel of Carter’s gun dug into his forehead.

“Don’t fucking lie to me. It will only make me kill you faster.”

“I’m not lying.” His voice elevated once more but was still shaky. “Give me your word that you won't kill me and I’ll tell you what I know.”

Carter’s finger itched as he tensed, eager to pull the trigger. For the second time in days he was faced with the same dilemma but his choice would be the same.

“Can’t do that…”

Kohen sensed Carter’s resistance and decided to intervene. He was now curious about what Kessler had to say. “I give you my word that Carter won't pull the trigger.”

“No offense but Carter is the one with the gun. Your word doesn’t mean shit considering you took my money and set this up for him to kill me when I paid you to take him out. I damn sure don’t trust you.”

“Good because you’re right. I’m the one with the gun and his word don’t mean shit.” Carter pushed the gun harder against Kessler’s forehead.

I’ll always choose you.

The words circled in Carter’s head. Jessup knew about McKenna which meant Kessler might too. He wouldn’t risk her life.

“I’m about to do something incredibly stupid and out of character but even if Carter doesn’t care enough to hear what you have to say, I do.” Kohen appeared in Carter’s peripheral and placed his back to Kessler while speaking to Carter. “You owe me a favor, a huge one. I’m calling it in. I want to hear what he has to say.”

Carter’s expression turned cold and Kohen lifted a brow, silently communicating for Carter to follow his lead.

“You really want to waste a favor from me, just to hear whatever lies he’s going to tell.”

“It’s not lies,” Kessler said anxiously.

Carter lowered the gun and Kohen turned to face Kessler. “Talk, now, and you better fucking impress me or I’ll let him shoot you.” Kessler’s nervous eyes darted from Carter to Kohen who added, “I’m your best bet and I gave you my word. Carter will not pull that trigger to kill you.”

“I need you to promise he won’t kill me at all. We both know he has very creative ways of taking lives. Most of which don’t have shit to do with guns.”

If Carter hadn’t been so annoyed by the situation he would have laughed.

“You have my word that Carter will not kill you.”

Kessler’s eyes bounced between the two men once more and Kohen growled in annoyance. “I’m the only chance you have. Do you want the possibility of walking out of here or shall I change my mind about calling in my favor?”

“No, fuck, I’ll take it,” Kessler said anxiously before his eyes landed on Carter. “Your mother betrayed her family. She wasn’t supposed to be with your father. When she chose your father over them, your parents had no choice but to run. They disappeared and were hiding from them…”