“I didn’t ask for anything.”

“The way you just sang Ken-Ken was definitely preceding an ask.” The smile that blossomed McKenna’s face matched her light tone.

“Okay, so you might know me a little. Seriously, you can’t fill in for me tomorrow?”

“No, I can’t. I might need to take some time off myself.” She frowned while thinking about how she would navigate what was going on in her life.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, I just need to take some personal time.”

“Kenni, you don’t take personal time. What’s going on?”

“Nothing, I promise and I know I don’t, which is why I have plenty of PTO for my personal use.” She paused and added, “I just broke up with Tevin.”

“About fucking time. You two were weird together.”

“We were not…” McKenna cringed that others noticed what she felt. They didn’t fit.

“Girl, you two were weird as hell. He was all ‘look at my bomb ass girlfriend who I don’t deserve’ and you were all ‘this nigga doesn’t match my fly or make me cum.’”

McKenna belted out a laugh. “That obvious, huh?”

“Very much so.” There was a smile in Drea’s voice.

“You never said anything.”

“It wasn’t my place to say anything. You know y’all weren’t right but for some reason you were trying to make it work. Who was I to argue with your reasoning? Eventually you would have figured it out, and you did. No harm no foul.”

“True. You can’t tell somebody shit if they’re not willing to listen.”

“So you’re admitting that you’re stubborn as hell? See we’re making so much progress today.”

“Please get off my line.” McKenna grinned and rolled her eyes.

“I will, but seriously, you good? Weird or not, it was a relationship and there had to be some feelings attached.”

None worth losing sleep over.

“I’m fine, but I am going to take some time to let him deal with the breakup. I don’t want there to be tension at work.”

“Wait, you think he’ll try something? Like try to get you fired?”

McKenna frowned hard. “He better not. I haven’t done anything to that man…”

“Except fracture his very fragile ego. Do you know how many people on staff likely have private bets about the two of you not making it?”

“Please tell me you don’t know of any…”

“No, I don’t, but that doesn’t mean they’re nonexistent,” Drea sang. “Well since you can’t fill in for me, let me get my sick voice on so I can call in. If you need me, I’m here. We can do a fuck love girls’ night.”

McKenna smiled. “Thanks, Dree-Dree, but I’ll be fine.”

“Alright, booski, but the offer stands.” Drea coughed and followed with, “I think I feel a three-day rhinovirus coming on.”

“Girl, you do realize that’s the common cold, right?”

“Yes, hoe, I do but it sounds more fancy than a snotty nose and sore throat. Let me be great. Bye.”