Archer’s eyes narrowed then went wide with understanding. “The nurse, shit. You’re Carter Reed.”

Carter’s jaw ticked with the realization that Jessup had been watching McKenna and made the same mistake he had about her career path three months prior.

“Bingo, muthafucker.”

Archer began rambling off an explanation Carter did not want. “I wasn’t gonna do it. I never would have…”

He lowered the gun and sent a bullet to Archer’s right shoulder. “Ahh fuck…”

“I don’t like liars, Johnny. You accepted the money, which means I believe you would have tried, at the very least.”

“Ah, shit. I…I wasn’t going to try. I wouldn’t have to. Jessup was coming out of hiding after he hired me. You were gonna kill him. Then I was gonna keep the money. I’m not that fucking stupid. I…Ahh fuck…I’m not. I know who yo-you are, Reed.”

“You are that fucking stupid. You accepted the contract. I believe you wanted to hurt McKenna. And because that’s what I believe, I’m going to hurt you. Mercilessly.”

Carter felt a presence behind him, then Emir extended his arm and pressed a needle into Archer’s neck. He began to choke and his arms went limp.

“What the fuck did you do?” Carter growled at Emir.

This was supposed to be my gotdamn kill.

“Suxamethonium chloride. It immobilized him but he’ll feel everything you do.” Emir smirked, holding up an empty syringe. “I know a few things too.”

A slow smile eased onto Carter’s face before his eyes lowered to Archer’s, whose nervously darted back and forth between Carter and Emir. He understood what was to come. Pain, a lot of it, then he would take his last breath.

“You’re going to die tonight, Johnny. Painfully.” Carter yanked the knife from Archer’s stomach and placed his gun on the nightstand. “Now, let’s begin.”



Aslow, steady knocking eased McKenna from the peaceful sleep she settled into not long after Carter left. Her subconscious pushed for her to ignore it but an innate feeling caused her to slowly shift into a state of awareness.

She jerked her head away from the pillow, realizing there was indeed someone knocking. So she tossed the covers back and eased out of bed, briefly hesitating until she remembered Carter’s insistence that they were alone on this floor. No one had access, but still…

She grabbed the phone Carter left and crept to the bedroom door, peeking into the hallway before she dialed the number listed for Brooks and he answered on the first ring.

“It’s me. At least you were smart enough to check. Go to the door, touch the panel next to it, and you’ll see me on the screen.”

She opened her mouth to respond but he hung up.

McKenna did as he asked and checked the panel. Once she noticed a familiar face, she unlocked the door, standing in the center. Brooks’ eyes traveled the length of her body, reminding McKenna of their first encounter which had her folding tight arms over her chest.

“Still not wearing pants.”

“What do you want?”

Brooks chuckled and glanced past her. “I’m heading out. Just wanted to see if you need anything.”

“Are you supposed to be leaving?”

Carter mentioned Brooks would be around, so she assumed that meant his presence was to ensure she wasn’t alone.

“You do realize I’m grown, Kenni?”

“Don’t call me that.” He smiled smugly. “And you work for Carter. He asked you to be here.”

“Work with Carter. Two very different things and yes, he did. As a favor, not a command. I won’t be gone long but I wanted to check in first to see if you needed anything.”