“No fucking shit. You’re in a relationship?” Emir seemed amused and the mention of McKenna brought a smile to Carter’s face.

“Something like that. Surprised the shit out of me, but yes, I have someone important in my life.”

“Congratulations,” Kohen stated, smiling in understanding before his eyes were on Carter again.

“Thank you.”

“But that doesn’t explain why you’re here,” he added. Business. Kohen was straight to the point and Carter respected that about him.

“I always work alone. I don’t like loose ends or complications.”

“Then what is it you want from me?”

“I don’t know that working alone is the best option for me at the moment. I have to consider what’s changed in my life.”

“The woman?”

Carter nodded tightly. He didn’t like giving details about McKenna but this wasn’t something he could avoid any longer. Not if he was going to make the best decisions about keeping her safe.

“I’m limited to what I can do, you are not.”

Kohen arched a brow, lifting his drink and pausing before he drank. “You want to work for me?”

“With you. I don’t work for anyone. That’s not changing.”

Kohen smirked and emptied his glass before he responded. “What makes you think I would consider working with you, Carter?”

“I’m good.” Carter’s eyes locked on the head of the Corvidae family, unbothered by what he was about to say. “Better than all three of your sons.”

“Damn, so you just gon’ come in my house and disrespect me?” Emir stated with a slight smile.

“No disrespect, Emir. I have more experience. I’ve been doing this longer and my skills are far better than you and your brothers. You’re good, but I’m better.”

“He’s right,” Kohen said to his son, standing. He lifted Carter’s glass along with his. He crossed the room to refill both. Emir still hadn’t touched his.

“It’s you, Carter, so I’m not gonna take offense.”

“You can’t. You know I’m speaking the truth. Ego or not, there’s no point in comparing my abilities to yours,” Carter stated confidently and Emir chuckled lightly.

“You got that.”

“Jessup put a hit out on the woman…” Kohen returned and extended the glass to Carter. He accepted but didn’t drink right away. Kohen sat and balanced his glass on his knee.

“How the fuck do you know that?” Carter growled and Kohen held his hand up to offer a pause.

“It’s my job to know these things, Carter.”

“Is it you? Your family accepted the hit?” Carter glanced at Emir who appeared confused by the exchange between Carter and his father.

“What the fuck is he talking about, Pops? What hit?”

“Jessup paid someone to go after the woman Carter mentioned. And no, Carter, it’s not my family. You and I are the same when it comes to certain things. We have rules, boundaries. He offered, I declined.”

“And you didn’t fucking tell me?”

“It wasn’t my place, and besides, you requested a meeting a few hours after. I figured the situation with Jessup was why.”

“You assumed?” Carter ground out and Kohen nodded.