Before she could respond, two attendants surfaced. One with two massive plastic movie buckets filled with popcorn and boxes of Sour Patch Kids, Raisinets, Swedish Fish, and Twizzlers. The other held two large sodas which they handed off to Carter and McKenna. After they got everything situated, they left, the lights dimmed, and the first movie began. McKenna ripped open a pack of Twizzlers and snuggled into the comfort of her husband.

“I think I like this a lot better than my days of being solo.”

“You better because this is all you get from now on. It’s me and you, Kenni, and we’re gonna ride this shit until the wheels fall off. When they do, I’m buying another set so we can do it all over again.”


“You two look alike. I can’t believe you have a son.”

Brooks’ eyes lowered to the tiny being Carter held in his arms, Shadow Asier Reed. Shadow after Carter’s father, McKenna’s idea and her insistence. Asier because it meant a new beginning which was exactly what he was for Carter. A new beginning with McKenna and their son.

Carter followed Brooks’ line of sight, narrowing his eyes slightly, searching for the resemblance. He wanted there to be one, anything. The tiny brown face didn’t offer much by way of features but his little nose and mouth were familiar. He was definitely a Reed.

I have a son.

“You think so?” Carter questioned, his eyes never leaving the child’s small round face. He seemed content cradled against Carter’s chest.

“Yeah I do. I see you in him. His face is little as shit but the evidence is there.” Brooks narrowed his eyes then glanced at the sofa. “How is she?”

“Tired as fuck, but she’s good.”

Brooks nodded and Carter looked at McKenna who was fast asleep. He couldn’t imagine what the past forty-eight hours had been like or the last nine months. She was exhausted but he had been so damn proud watching her bring their child into the world.

He shifted, carefully cradling the small bundle in his arms so Shadow rested higher on his chest, like he was the most precious gift in the world. A new beginning for Carter. It felt odd, yet surreal.

“You look comfortable,” Brooks stated smugly. Carter felt him watching, but his eyes were glued to a tiny little face similar to his own. A slow smile surfaced. Pride. He was a father and proud that his son had pieces of him.

“I guess that’s good shit since this is the first experience I’ve ever had with a baby.”

“Then, yeah, C, that’s good shit… I won’t stay long. Just wanted to make sure y’all were good. I’m heading out. Got some research to take care of then I’ll find something soft to fall in bed with.”

Carter smirked and nodded. “Make sure you strap up. I don’t think you’re ready for this.”

Brooks chuckled. “Definitely strapping up because I’m not, but the question is, are you?”

Carter finally pulled his attention away from his son. “No but I’ve never been more ready to figure shit out than I am right now, for him and his mother.”

“That’s all that matters then. Especially since I don’t think his little ass is going anywhere anytime soon. He looks comfortable as hell too.”

Carter nodded. “Yeah I think so. Maybe I am ready for this.”

“Prayers up, family. I’m out. If y’all need anything…”

“I’ll hit you up.”

Brooks jutted his chin and was out the door. Carter walked his son to the windows and looked down at the city.

“You know I got you, right?”

When the tiny infant shifted, Carter smiled.

“Your mother didn’t fuck with me when we first met but I won her over. I hope I don’t have to fight for your affection too. I will but I’m hoping you cut your old man some slack.”

His little mouth puckered and he made a sucking motion. “Are you hungry?”

He did the motion again, but more aggressively.

Carter chuckled and walked over to the sofa where he leaned over McKenna and pushed her hair from her face. “Kenni, I think he’s hungry.”