“I’m not late. I have two minutes.”

McKenna walked around the counter and leaned against it. Instead of Drea going to the computer to clock in, she leaned a hip against the counter next to McKenna, facing her friend.

“It will take you two minutes just to clock in but since you’re not motivated at the moment then you are late, Drea.”

“Girl, fuck these people. You know I don’t care.”

“Well then let me give you something you might care about.” McKenna lifted her hand and exposed the ring, grinning when Drea’s eyes went wide. She yanked McKenna’s fingers and lifted the hand closer to her face in true dramatic Drea fashion.

“Girl, that’s a big ass diamond. I hope you said yes.”

“Actually, I didn’t…”

“Have you lost your mind? Why the hell wouldn’t you say yes? That man is fine, fucks you properly, and can offer a three-carat, flawless diamond.”

“I haven’t lost my mind. I didn’t say yes because he didn’t ask and how the hell do you know this is three carats?” McKenna snatched her hand back and examined the ring.

“This is me. Are you seriously asking how I know the size and rating of a diamond?”

McKenna rolled her eyes. “You’re right, never mind.”

“And what do you mean he didn’t ask? What did he do, throw the ring at you and walk away? Damn that’s some sexy, big dick energy shit. He probably was like, I know she’s gon’ say yes, so I’m not even gonna ask.”

Definitely a Carter thing, McKenna thought but clarified, “I woke up this morning with this ring on my finger. He was already gone so he didn’t ask… yet.”

Drea flashed a knowing grin. “Girl, he doesn’t have to ask you shit and you don’t have to say shit. Just go home and fuck him and you two are even.”

Oh I’m definitely doing that.

“I’ve got this covered. You go clock in before you lose your job.”

Drea shrugged. “Again, fuck these people. I can’t believe you’re getting married.”

“Getting married,” a male voice spoke from behind McKenna.

“Yep, her new man put his big ass dick in her and a big ass diamond on her. You gonna cry about it tonight while you’re looking at Shaunta’s ugly ass knowing you fucked up.”

Tevin cut his eyes at Drea then stepped in front of McKenna. “You’re getting married.” She noticed it was more of a statement laced with disdain and not a question.

He really believes he was the best I would ever have?

“None of your business…” She turned to Drea. “I’m heading out and I’m off for the next four days. Try not to get fired before I’m back.”

“No promises.” Drea winked at McKenna. “And congratulations, friend. I’m so happy for you. I’d be even happier if you tell me your man has a twin.”

McKenna grinned. “He doesn’t. Sorry.”

She pushed away from the counter to leave but Tevin caught her arm. “Are you marrying that man?”

McKenna looked down at the spot where his hand was on her before her eyes slowly crawled up to him. “The same man that made you cry for almost touching me, yes. So imagine what he’ll do if I tell him you actually put your hand on me.”

Tevin released McKenna like her skin was on fire. She smirked and shook her head. “Pussy.”

She walked away with his voice hissing behind her. “I suppose I should thank him for preventing me from making the biggest mistake of my life. Marrying you.”

She glanced over her shoulder just as she reached the elevator. “I’ll ask him to stop by so you can tell him. I’m sure that will be a very interesting conversation.” McKenna winked at Tevin who visibly winced. She wouldn’t mention the altercation to Carter because she couldn’t promise Tevin would survive another encounter with him. She didn’t want that on her conscience, but she also didn’t believe she would have any further issues with Tevin. The warning was enough.

McKenna took the elevator down to the second floor parking garage and was too busy scrolling through her phone to notice she wasn’t alone until she heard a male voice. His voice.