Carter filled the spot next to her and she climbed into his lap, looping her arms around his neck.

“You keep this up and I’m going to turn into one of those women who want you for your money.”

He chuckled and brushed his lips over hers, delivering a soft kiss. “Nah, you fucked with me before you knew what my pockets looked like. You’re going back to work?”

She nodded. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t?”

“What’s your maternity leave policy looking like?”

She frowned and Carter chuckled, amused by her reaction.

“I’m not pregnant.”


“Women work and raise families.”

“I’m aware. I like that you have your own hustle, Kenni. I’m good with whatever makes you happy.”

McKenna lifted her phone, extended her arm, and positioned the device slightly above their heads before she leaned in and pressed her lips to Carter’s cheek, snapping several consecutive photos. After she had what she needed, he frowned, watching her swipe through the options. When she selected her favorite she brought the phone into his view.

“You like it?”

“I prefer the real thing but it’s us so yeah, I fuck with it.”

“Can I post it?”

“If you want to.”

She slowly raised a brow. “You’re not hiding from the world.”

Carter chuckled, moved his hands down her back, and gripped her ass, pulling McKenna in closer. “No one knows who I am, Kenni. I told you I’m good at what I do. You posting a picture of us is no different than when any other woman does it, trying to stake claim to a man.”

She narrowed her stare and navigated to her app while Carter began showing attention to her neck. After she uploaded the picture on her page and her story, she tossed the phone next to them and locked her arms around his neck again.

“And for the record, I’m not staking claim. I’m capturing the moment when you guaranteed I would win every argument we ever have.”

“How is posting me on social media going to guarantee you win arguments?”

“I’m immortalizing the moment where you just told me you’re good with whatever makes me happy. Being right makes me happy, which means I just won every future argument we may or may not have.”

He paused against her neck and his smile expanded before he pulled back to capture her eyes. “That’s fucked up but I’m a man of my word, so you can get that.”

“I know I can.” She smiled and reached for her phone after it vibrated with a call. She hit ignore but when Drea called right back she answered, just to make sure nothing was wrong. She immediately got her answer when Drea’s voice blared through the phone.

“I’m so fucking mad at you right now.”

“What did I do?”

“It’s what you didn’t do, McKenna. How do you have a man that fine and you’re out here keeping him all to yourself?”

McKenna laughed and her eyes landed directly on the man in question. She could tell from the arrogance in his expression that he heard Drea. As loud as she was talking, McKenna wasn’t surprised.

“Are you on my page?”

“Yes, hoe. I’m on your page. You know I don’t do shit at work, but internet stalk and I have it set to notify me when you post. Speaking of work, I’m glad you’re coming back because these overnight shifts are about to take me out.”

“Why are you working overnight?”