“A few days, maybe a few weeks. Depends on how long it takes to get the research done.”

“Work…” Her brows pinched and he shook his head. There was only one other thing that had been a constant lately…

“Does it have something to do with your parents?”


“Then I’m going too.”

“Nah, you’re not.”

“Why not?”

“What I’ll be doing is not something I want you attached to.”

“But you’d rather leave me here alone?”

“Brooks will be here…”

She lifted her head and glared at Carter. “I’m not fucking Brooks.”

His muscles pulled tightly and she kept the same expression. “Don’t say dangerous shit like that, McKenna.”

“Then don’t think leaving me in the care of a man who isn’t invested the way you are is okay. I’m going.”

“Even if I tell you someone is dying?”

“Especially if that’s the reason. This is about your parents. I get you think you have it all figured out and you don’t need anyone but you need me. Everything you’re doing right now, all the decisions you’re making, are driven by emotions you haven’t processed yet. You can’t begin to make sense of how you’ll feel after you do whatever you’re going to do. I’m your balance, Carter.” She paused thoughtfully before saying, “I’m pretty sure they have really nice hotels in Texas. Ones with amenities that will keep me busy while you’re…” She frowned. “Doing that.”

Carter laughed arrogantly but he couldn’t deny everything she said was accurate. He didn’t care about anything other than the payment owed. The debt he was collecting for the loss of his parents. “You can’t say it, but you want to be there when I do it.”

“No, I don’t. But I want to be there for you. I’m going.”

“We’ll see.”

“I’m going, Carter.”

She lifted her head, glaring in challenge. He shifted his fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck and fisted the strands enough to tilt McKenna’s head back. His mouth met hers and after he pulled away, he gave his final answer.

“We’ll see.”



After Carter welcomed Yair into his home, he pointed to the bar that lined the kitchen and Yair began setting up there. He removed a laptop from his backpack along with a folded document which he spread out next to the device.

Carter moved next to the youngest Corvidae and looked at the aerial view of a structure out in the middle of nowhere.

“This is it?” Yair’s eyes darted to the back of Carter’s apartment and he added, “She’s not here.”

McKenna was out grabbing groceries to make dinner. He timed everything to make sure she wasn’t around to hear the plans they pulled together about heading to Texas.

“Yeah, I’ve been tracking them for the past two weeks. My dad had some guys fly out and set up the cameras on the perimeter of the property and I used a drone to get the aerials. The cameras are discreet enough to go unnoticed, so they’re decent at best but they give me enough detail to know how we need to handle this.”

Carter nodded and leaned over the printout of the compound. There was one massive structure in the center and several smaller buildings on the left and right sides.

“How do we make this work?”