Page 2 of Jealousy Jealousy

Just leave and he will stop.

God, but I don’t want to!

“Connor, are you listening to what Harold is saying?” Dad’s voice cut through my conflicting thoughts, and I turned my head to look at him as he glanced at Connor.

“Yes, doctor. I am listening,” he replied, his voice unsure.

“Good. You’re the next one asking him a question.” Dad got up from his chair and told the men to continue talking, then he turned to face me, and my body tensed.

I watched him closely as he walked toward me, taking long strides until he reached me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the big foyer, and once we came to a halt, he cupped my face with both hands and tilted my head back.

“What have I told you about eavesdropping?”

I pursed my lips and shrugged.


I sighed. “I wasn’t eavesdropping. I couldn’t hear a word. All of those men talk really softly.”

Dad’s eyes darkened and his hands squeezed my face tighter. “I don’t want you to be down here when I have guests over. You know that.” He studied me for a moment before sighing and adding, “Can’t sleep again, hm? What happened to your journal? I thought that helped you clear your mind and help you sleep.”

Writing my thoughts into a journal never helped. I didn’t need to write. I needed someone to talk to. But that was too much to ask for in this family, so I never asked.

I shook my head. “It never helped. Can’t I just sit with you? I promise I won’t tell anyone about the things you talk about. I can keep secrets.”

“You know I don’t want you to listen to what my clients have to say. It won’t help your sleeping issue. Do me a favor and go upstairs, darling.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead and took a step back as he dropped his hands.

“I won’t bother you in there, Daddy. I promise,” I begged, but that wouldn’t get me far.

“Upstairs, Caia.”

I could’ve thrown a fit but I was turning eighteen in two days. I wasn’t a child anymore.

“Fine.” I watched him as I took a step back, reaching the stairs to head to the first floor. “Good night, Daddy. I love you.” My words sounded forced. They were. I didn’t love him. There was only one person I loved in this family, and that was Sly.

My brother.

Chapter 2


Instead of going back to my bedroom, I decided to go take a bath. Two in the morning was the perfect time to relax in steaming hot water.

Because of the lack of neighbors, and the fact that our house was basically built on a cliff, even our bathrooms had floor-to-ceiling windows. I watched as lightning lit up the rainy night sky, and how the wind blew the rain into one direction. Nights like these were beautiful. So calming, yet there was something so sinister about it.

I heard footsteps coming toward the bathroom door, and though I had thought about the possibility of one of Dad’s guests coming up here, I didn’t lock the door. There were two other bathrooms in this house, and usually, his guests never came up here.

Then, as the footsteps came closer, I knew who was about to step into the bathroom. I recognized those steps.


The door swung open, and he stood there in his boxers, looking as beautiful as ever. Even with his dark blond hair all messed up from sleep and his eyes barely open, my brother was the type of person you could stare at forever and never get tired of. He was the kind of beautiful that was hard to believe existed in this world. Then again, I had been told by strangers that I was beautiful too, but Mom always replied with, “You should see her sister. She’s even more beautiful”.

I wasn’t her favorite. Nor Dad’s or Wavel’s. I wanted to be Sly’s favorite.

“Hi,” I said quietly, smiling at him, and hoping he wouldn’t turn back around and leave.

He studied me with tired eyes, letting his gaze linger on the mountain of foam that had formed on the water before he closed the door behind him and walked over to the toilet.