I used to think I was brave. I could walk into battle without flinching. Come face to face with an enemy soldier without fear. Endure hours of punishing physical exertion without complaint.

But you had me running scared from the very first moment you fell in my arms. I knew then that you were different. That you could break me. So, I tried to stay away, but after being a shadow of a man for so long, I found myself gravitating to your sunshine time after time. I couldn’t help myself. I needed to be around you more than I needed to take my next breath.

But I let my fear take control. I couldn’t let myself love you because then I could lose you. I ran from the risk that loving you posed.

But I don’t want to run anymore, Sunshine.

I’m all in.

I want you and me for however long we can have.

Meet me back where it all started and give me the chance to do this over.

To do it right this time. To choose you. To choose us.

With love,

Prince Not-So-Charming

“Holy shit,” I’m yelling, I know I am even without the shocked stares of passersby. “Sorry,” I say, but I don’t stick around to make further amends. Grabbing Cecil’s leash, his demolished pup cup, and my melting coffee, I’m off. “I’m on my way,” I say to Millie and click the end call button, shoving my phone in my pocket even as my hands are shaking so fiercely I can barely hold on to it.

Holy shit! Even in my wildest dreams, I never really thought Emmett would come around to me. And definitely not so soon. I’m walking fast as my mind tries to analyze every word he wrote, searching for hidden meanings I might have missed the first time. I really want to pull my phone back out and study the post longer, but that would take time. Time I’m not willing to waste. I’ve already spent weeks without him and the desire to see him grips me in an inescapable hold.



My hands are clammy, and I wipe them on my jeans. Which draws my attention to my outfit. I’m wearing my usual jeans and t-shirt. Should I have dressed up more? Too late to worry about that now, so I run my fingers through my hair and try to calm my nerves. I’ve paid so much attention to every detail of this, I don’t want anything to go wrong at all. I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous in my life. “Are you sure she saw it?” I ask my sister, who stands behind the counter of the bar arranging the bouquets. I bought five bouquets of dahlias because the orange blooms made me think of sunshine. And five to represent our deal of five dates. This was my attempt to redo the disastrous sixth date.

Millie and Cash were more than willing to help me as soon as I reached out and told them how much of a dumbass I’ve been. A glance around tells me we might have gone a bit overboard, but my girl loved romance and now that I’d decided I was all in, making her happy was worth all the effort.

I let Millie handle the food. She picked up carryout from a Charley-approved restaurant. Some kind of Italian. Cash had pulled some strings to get us a karaoke set-up that included my requested playlist. We had scattered flower petals along the bar top and sporadically leading to the dance floor where a picnic blanket was spread wide with a bottle of wine and two glasses sitting beside it. The sweet, fresh scent of the flowers combined with the aromatic Italian food and the soft sounds of the romantic music being piped through the speakers was just right. The scene was set. I just needed Charley.

“Yes, she’s coming.” My sister’s voice is harried, but happy. She had squealed so loudly when I called and confessed my feelings to her that I had to pull the phone from my ear. I wouldn’t have been able to pull this off so quickly without the help of my siblings. I cross the room to pull her into a hug. “I love you, sis. Thank you,” my words are soft, but heartfelt, and Millie squeezes me back for a minute before stepping back and wiping her eyes.

“Don’t mention it. I want you both to be happy.” Her expression turns stern as she glares at me and points her finger, “but don’t hurt her again or I’ll be forced to kick your ass on principal.”

I chuckle and nod. “Noted, now get out of here before she gets here.”

“Alright, Alright. I can take a hint.” Millie says, but she’s laughing as she collects her things and leaves through the front door.

It’s unlocked, but I’m not worried about anyone interrupting. The Whiskey Lounge is closed on Sundays. Charley and I will have the place to ourselves. I only hope that she gives me a chance to explain and isn’t going to tell me I’m too late.

I mentally run through everything again and decide I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Pulling a chair from the bar, I take a seat and wait for my future to walk through the door.

Thankfully, she doesn’t make me wait long, because less than fifteen minutes later the door of the bar is swinging open. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of her and I’m standing and stepping toward her before I realize my intentions. She’s not dressed up. She’s wearing a t-shirt and leggings with her hair thrown back in a messy bun and a flush to her cheeks that makes me think she must have rushed over here. But she still takes my breath away without even trying. She’s beauty without effort and hits me like a punch to the gut every time I see her. I can’t believe she didn’t have men falling at her feet long before me. I stop a couple feet in front of her. “Hi,” I say, all speeches long forgotten as she steps closer to me.

Her lips curve into a soft smile, but her eyes remain wary, like she’s not sure what to expect from me. It hurts to know that I deserve this wary reception and I’m not sure what to say to fix it. Before I can respond, Cecil’s burly body is barreling into me, nearly knocking me over with the force of his affection.

Laughing in earnest now, thankful that the awkward moment is broken, even if only temporarily, I turn my attention to Cecil. “Hey, buddy. Yes, I missed you, too.” Scratching behind his ear, I’m watching Charley from the corner of my eye as she circles to take in the room. Her eyes soften and a little of that wariness recedes. Reaching around the bar, I grab the dog bone I picked up earlier this morning and offer it to Cecil. He accepts my bribe and takes his bone to the corner of the room and begins attempting to demolish it.

“So...” she starts at the same time I’m saying, “I’m sor-”

We both break off with a chuckle and she shrugs, gesturing at me. “You first,” she says, crossing her arms and darting her eyes around the room again. It’s obvious she feels unsure in my presence and that guts me. I hate that I ever made her feel insecure around me.

Shifting on my feet, I tuck my hands in my pocket and try to decide where to start. “Look, Charley. I owe you an apology.”

Her eyes snap to mine at that, wary hope shining in her gorgeous gaze.