The sound of the buzzer brings us back to reality. We both jump apart as if trying to escape a roaring fire, and stare at each other. His chest heaves as he works to catch his breath and I’m doing the same. His normally tousled hair is even messier from my fingers running through it, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad about it. Emmett doesn’t say anything, just stares at me like the answers to all the world’s problems can be found if only he studies me long enough.

We still haven’t said a word as the crowd around us starts to jostle for the exits. Finally, he says, “we should go.” I just nod, because I’m not any more ready to talk about that kiss than he is.

I expected sparks, especially when the smallest touch from him was enough to turn me to liquid, but I hadn’t been prepared for fireworks. And I needed to cool off. Quickly.



Dear Readers,

It happened. You know the kiss you see in the movies? The one where he pulls her in and kisses her as if the very air around them is toxic and their kiss is the only thing keeping them alive? How can I ever go back to standard kisses or standard men after this?

The more time that I spend with him, the more convinced I am that I’ve found him. My very own Prince Charming. But, plot twist, he doesn’t believe in Happily-Ever-After.

Can I change his mind? Or am I doomed to spinsterhood even after getting to experience the best kiss of my life?

Stay tuned!

“Okay, so horseback riding might not have been the best idea.” I admit. Millie had met me for lunch at our favorite deli to go over my progress.

Millie’s beautiful face scrunches up in amusement as she says, “Oh, God. I wish I would have been a fly on the wall for that one, babe. I still can’t believe he didn’t just tell you he was scared of horses before getting on one.”

I nod sagely. “Oh yeah, that one is for sure his fault. I still feel bad, though. I mean it’s hard not to feel bad when he had to carry a donut cushion with him on our next date.” I palm my flaming face at that image. “I’m shocked the poor man agreed to another date after that one. But he got his revenge on me during the roller skating.”

Millie is full-fledged laughing now, her chicken Caesar salad all but forgotten in front of her. When she is still chuckling minutes later, I clear my throat pointedly until Millie finally stops. Shooting me a sheepish smile, Millie says, “Oh, I’m sorry, Charley, but you have to admit that was not a genius plan. With your general lack of grace…” She stops speaking abruptly at my murderous expression.

But, I have to admit she has a point. After the admittedly disastrous horseback riding date which involved Emmett flipping head over heels from his mare before we had even made it from the barn, he asked to plan the next date. I didn’t realize it was an act of revenge until we pulled into the parking lot of the local roller rink. Needless to say, he could barely keep a straight face the entire night as my bum seemed to be all but magnetized to the ground. It would have been one of the most humiliating experiences of my life, but seeing the normally stoic and guarded Emmett relax and enjoy himself made it impossible for me to be too embarrassed. But I did insist on planning our fifth date.

Possibly our final date, but I don’t let that thought stick around. We were having an amazing time. He’s going to want to continue spending time with me even with our looming deadline approaching. I refused to consider any other option. “Anyhow, for our fifth date, I want to step it up a notch.”

Millie is listening raptly now, almost as invested as I am. “Oh? What’s the plan?”

“Well, the plan was five dates, no sex, right?” Millie nods. “I want to make it a little harder for him to stick to his end of the bargain. And since it could be our last one, I want to make an impression.”

“Charley! Spit it out!” Millie isn’t patient and I’m enjoying drawing this out far too much. I’m tempted to drag it out further, but Millie’s fingers have tightened around her fork in a semi-threatening manner. Sighing and shaking my head at her impatience, I cave.

“Alright, alright! I’ll tell you! So, I might have signed us up for a sexy naked yoga class.”

Millie’s eyes widen comically and her death grip on the fork loosens as it clatters to the ground. “Sexy? Naked? What?”

Her shock must have robbed her of her ability to form full sentences. I think that’s a good sign. If Millie doesn’t expect it, there’s no way Emmett will. “Sexy naked yoga. Well, the title is just ‘Bare Yoga’, but I’m referring to it as sexy naked yoga. I imagine it will be a very exhilarating experience. And it will allow us to get up close and personal with each other in a way he can’t avoid.” Smiling, very happy with my plan, I dig into my own salad with gusto. I know he has to be feeling the same way I am and a push like this is going to be exactly what he needs to seal the deal.

Millie’s lips twist in a look of disgust. She isn’t nearly as impressed with my plan it seems. “I don’t need to know about you getting my brother naked, thank you very much. Also, how did I not know we had a nude yoga class around here?”

I shrug and say, “I found the flyer for it at the spa, actually.”

“The spa? You went to the spa without me?” Betrayal shines from her eyes at that until she remembers what I went to the spa for the last time. “Wait a minute,” her eyes drop to the table as if she can see through it to my nether regions, “you didn’t?” She uses her hands to make a circling motion over her lap.

“I didn’t wax the beaver? Oh yes, I did. I need to be prepared for when I push Emmett over the edge.”

“Did it,” Millie’s voice squeaks out, “…did it hurt?” Her eyes are wide and glazed over, probably reliving our traumatic bonding experience months prior.

“Absolutely. As soon as I snag Emmett, I’m done messing with that. He can wade through the forest to his prize for all I care, but I couldn’t do sexy naked yoga in front of other people with a full bush, Millie.” I’m not sure why I have to spell this out, it should be obvious. But Millie still looks at me as if I’m the crazy one. “Besides, it wasn’t as bad this time. I didn’t even stay raw and red for more than a couple of days.”

“If you say so, Char.” Her disbelief rings through quite clearly. “But as for me and my beaver, we will rock our fur coat, thank you very much.” After our last experience, Millie had firmly decided she wouldn’t let a drop of hot wax anywhere near her lady parts ever again.

I roll my eyes at my best friend’s dramatics. “Yes, Mil. I know. But I consider this a worthy sacrifice in my quest for my prince. We’re going to be hot, sweaty, and naked, and he won’t be able to keep his hands off of me.”