Me: How basic. Is your taste in movies basic, too?

Sweets: Of course not. I like action flicks. Anything with Chuck Norris or Sylvester Stallone.

Me: You can’t see me, but I’m rolling my eyes right now.

Sweets: Okay, what’s your favorite movie?

Me: Titanic. The ultimate love story.

Sweets: ....

Me: What?

Sweets: Talk about basic...

Me: Hey!

“Hello! Charley?” I startle as Millie waves her hands in front of my face to get my attention. Again.

“Ope, I’m sorry, Millie,” I say as I lay my phone down on the coffee table and give her my full attention.

Millie smiles, but it’s strained. “It’s okay. I understand. I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt.” She’s sitting next to me on the couch, nervously picking at her fingernails as if she wants to say more but can’t.

I cover her hands with mine and work to reassure her. “I’m not going to get hurt, Millie. He and I both know the score. He’s been honest and upfront with me about where he stands.”

“Charley, you’re not the type of person who can turn her emotions on and off. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I won’t. Well, maybe I will, but I’m going into this with my eyes wide open. I’m choosing to take the risk.” I implore her to see the truth in my gaze.

She’s silent for a moment, and I ignore the distinct ping of an incoming text message as I focus on my best friend. I’m not sure what she’s looking for exactly, but after a minute she nods and says, “alright. So, what’s the plan?”

I squeeze her hand in thanks and say, “I need you to be my inside man.”

“Come again?” Her brow scrunches together in confusion.

“My inside man. Well, inside woman. I have five dates. I need your help to make them great.

She’s reluctant. I can tell she’s not completely sold on this entire bet, but now that my mind is made up, there’s no going back. I know what I want and I’m going for it even if it’s not a guarantee. Eventually she nods. “Okay. I’ll help. Where do you want to start?”

I jump from the couch, startling Cecil from his slumber across the room. But when he determines there isn’t any danger, he settles back down for a nap. I move across the room to my neglected love board. I haven’t done much with it since Emmett wormed his way into my life, but now I need it. In a few quick swipes, I’m staring at a clean slate.

Turning back to Millie, I notice she looks a little shocked, her mouth open in a wide ‘O’ as she eyes my now empty board. I rush to reassure her. “It’s fine. I don’t need it anymore. Even if...this doesn’t work out with Emmett, I can’t go back to what we were doing before. No more blind dates or online dating.”

I don’t say anything more, but I don’t need to. She’s known me long enough now that she knows the words I don’t say. I’m not going to keep trying if this doesn’t work out with Emmett because now having even just a tiny taste of what real chemistry with someone can be like, I don’t plan to settle for the manufactured variety ever again.

“Okay,” she says, “so what are we doing now?” Loyal as always, Millie is ready for whatever I need from her. I can’t help it, I cross the room once more and pull her in for a hug.

"You know I’d be lost without you, Mil,” I mumble into her shoulder as she hugs me back just as fiercely.

She chuckles and releases me, saying, “Oh, I know, Charley.” Then gesturing back at the board, she asks, “so, what’s the plan to win my brother over?”

“I need intel,” I say. “Help me plan the dates.”

She nods. “Okay, but first, tell me how axe throwing went? He didn’t end up in the ER, so I’m assuming it went well?”

I smile, remembering the best first date I’ve ever had. “Yeah, it was great. He was so patient with me. Teaching me the proper technique to throw it safely. It took me about four hundred tries before I managed to get it to stick in the board, but I did it! I didn’t get anywhere near the target, but it was fun. And unique. And we both laughed almost the entire time.” I sigh as I stare off into space, my mind back in that moment with his large body wrapping around me as he helped me to lift the heavy axe. His broad chest and massive shoulders cocooning me in his warmth as they demonstrated how to properly throw the axe. I shiver just thinking about it.

“Alright,” she nods, hearing the words I didn’t speak. “Let’s help you get your man.”