“No, it’s not. Emmett’s a little jaded. Life hasn’t always been easy for him, but I see the way he looks at you. He might not want to be, but he’s definitely interested. But he’s not the kind of man you want to beat around the bush with, either.”

I move so I can stare at her incredulously. Surely, she’s not saying what I think she’s saying. But either she’s not understanding the question in my expression, or she’s ignoring my dramatics altogether. Sighing, I ask, “so exactly what are you suggesting that I do? Just walk right up to the man and tell him I’m sorry about puking on you and mooning you, but that I’d really be delighted if you would take me on a date?”

The disbelief in my voice rings clear, but Millie just smiles. “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Go ask the man out. No more plans. Just be your authentic self and if that isn’t enough to get his attention, then he isn’t the man for you anyhow.”

The profoundness of her statement strikes me mute for the briefest of moments, but I can’t deny it has merit. Granted, he will probably think I am absolutely crazy, but he probably already does. So what difference does it make anyhow? I’ll be thirty soon and I’m going after what I want, come hell or high water. Straightening my spine, I say, “Okay. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ll do it.”

Millie squeals and says, “Great! And if he’s not into your authentic self, then we won’t waste any more time on him.” She taps her phone screen to check the time and quickly stands. “I’m meeting Todd for lunch, but I’m free later. We can swing by the bar for drinks and try to catch him.”

“Okay. I really need to shower and do something with myself.” I subconsciously run my fingers through my tangled curls as I stand and walk her the three steps to the door. “Does eight sound g-” Cecil’s weighty sigh interrupts my response, drawing my attention in his direction. Up to now, he has been peacefully slumbering in the corner on his fluffy pillow, and it’s obvious that he’s disgruntled about resuming his self-assigned guard duties as we move toward the door.

Millie giggles and crouches down. “Bye Cecil, be a good boy. Okay?” Cecil is much happier with Millie stroking his back and crooning at him. Standing once more, she turns to me and says, “Eight is fine! Now go shower. Because I’m not going anywhere with you looking like that.” She smiles as she says it, taking any heat out of her words, and turns to leave.

A glance down at myself confirms that Millie isn’t exaggerating. I look pretty rough. Now that I think about it, I can’t remember the last time I showered. I think it was the day before yesterday. Maybe.

I make my way to the bathroom with some extra pep in my step. Millie is always able to pull me out of whatever funk I’m in at the moment. And, as terrifying as it is to put myself out there for possible rejection, a part of me is excited for tonight. Somehow, even after embarrassing myself in front of him at every available opportunity, just the idea of seeing him again is exhilarating. I’m not naive enough to think what I’m feeling for Emmett is love. Not yet. I don’t know enough about him to love him. I don’t know enough about him to know if I could spend the rest of my life in his company, but the spike of lust that sizzles through my every nerve ending when his skin comes in contact with mine, makes me want to see where this could go. No, not want. I needed to see where this would go with Emmett.

I turn on some music and jump in the shower with a smile on my face as I play out various scenarios in my mind of how tonight might go. The water temperature is scorching, just a notch below flowing lava, as I scrub away the dirt and grime, feeling my skin peel off. Each scalding drop seems to massage my body in the most amazing way. A small part of me is tempted to stay right here under the heavenly flowing water until my skin prunes, but I hear a knock at the door. Millie must have forgotten something. Shoot, I have to hurry this along so I can see what she needs.

“Come on in! I’ll be right out!” I shout around the flimsy plastic curtain. Grabbing the conditioner, I work a large dollop through the soft, wet strands of my hair as I belt out the chorus to my favorite Aretha Franklin song. I wouldn’t let recent events get me down. Today is going to be a good day. I’m feeling great about Plan B, plus I’ll get to spend the evening with Millie, even if Emmett turns me down. My mood soars higher with each verse. Nothing can bring me down today. Hips swaying, I sing even louder, really getting into it now. “R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out what it means to- AHH!”

All the sudden, without warning, the steamy, relaxing shower turns hostile as frigid needles of icy-cold water stab at my body. Responding as any reasonable person would, I squeal, jumping out of the tub to avoid the freezing stream altogether. Goosebumps cover my body as it tries to adjust to the sudden change in temperature. I hurry to wrap a plush terry cloth towel around me as I try to catch my breath and recover from the shock.

“Charley! Are you okay?” The husky voice comes mere seconds before the bathroom door flings open and the man who had played the starring role in my every fantasy for weeks now, comes into view. “I heard screaming…” Emmett’s voice trails off as he takes in the situation at hand. I can only imagine the view I provide for him, standing in the middle of my bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and dripping water everywhere. He stands, frozen in place, as his gaze slowly trails down my body, and then back up. His beautiful brown eyes meet my gaze and the scorching heat that emanates from them seems to heat the chilled room around us. But before I can comment on it, he shakes his head and turns around in the doorway. “Uh, I’m sorry. You said to come in. And when I heard the screams, I thought…” he shifts on his feet and clears his throat before trying again. “But it’s clear you’re okay. So, I’m just going to wait out here for you. Okay?” He shifts back to pull the door closed and I catch the edge of his smoldering gaze as the door clicks shut, as if he can’t help but take one last peek.

I didn’t move or speak the entire time, but as soon as the door closes, I flip the lock and groan as I lean against the door. As if my humiliation wasn’t complete enough when I’d upchucked my dinner on him, now this. But I can’t stop thinking about that last, smoldering glance. Just thinking about it sends butterflies skittering through my middle. Swarming and fluttering like I’m back in high school with my first crush. It’s nerves, I realize. And maybe a little excitement, too, because maybe, just maybe, I’m not the only one affected by whatever this is. This train of thought helps to quell the raging blush that I’m beginning to think is a permanent accessory wherever Emmett is concerned. My mind’s running in circles, so it takes me a minute to realize that I have no idea why he’s stopped by. Or even how he knows where to find me.

For a brief moment, I’m tempted to just stay here until the end of time. I have zero interest in facing him and really, staying in the bathroom for the rest of my life was preferable to being in his presence again. Especially when I’m now convinced that I had imagined any sort of heat in his expression. Guys like that didn’t look twice at girls like me. Maybe I’m a coward, because I don’t have any desire to leave this room and find out what he’s thinking once and for all. Staying here is safer. I almost convinced myself, too, but my more reasonable side wins out when I realize there is no wine in here. Or coffee.

Besides, this is what I want. Well, I wanted a chance to talk to him. Being walked in on while I’m naked and falling out of the shower isn’t what I had in mind. And, oh God, did he hear my shower karaoke? With an exaggerated sigh of defeat, I jiggle the shower nozzles until I find that sweet spot temperature I favor and resume my shower. After ensuring every drop of conditioner has been successfully rinsed from my hair, I step out and towel dry. Admittedly, taking much longer than is necessary, I rub moisturizer down my freshly smoothed legs before blowing dry my mass of curls. Running out of reasons to delay the inevitable, I pull on the buttery soft leggings and crew-neck t I had thankfully brought in before my shower and turn to leave the room.

A small part of me thought maybe he would just leave. Okay, maybe that small part of me hoped he had left, especially considering how long I delayed coming out of the bathroom. But when I walk into the living room, there he is. Sitting on my little couch with my normally overly exuberant puppy sitting calmly in his lap, staring adoringly up at him. He doesn’t notice me at first. He’s too busy petting and crooning to Cecil. So, I lean against the doorframe and allow myself the luxury of shamelessly checking him out. Fair is fair and all, considering he walked in on me in nothing more than a towel.

He is dressed casually today—as he has been every time I’ve seen him. A pair of dark washed, faded jeans and a snug, dark t-shirt that showcases his large, tattooed arms. My eyes linger longer than necessary on the colorless tattoos running over his muscular arms. My fingers twitch with the desire to trace them, to find where they began and end. I didn’t know I even liked tattoos on a man before this moment. None of my exes had them. But everything about Emmett draws me to him like a moth to a flame.

I can see his dark leather jacket tossed across the back of the couch. His hair is still longer than is considered conventionally attractive, but it works for him. With the hair, the muscles, and the aforementioned exquisite jawline, Emmett has ‘bad-boy’ written all over him. So not my type normally, but the heat that winds its way through my body as I watch this gorgeous man interact with my dog speaks for itself.

“As much as I’m enjoying you checking me out, Sunshine, I was hoping we could talk.” His husky voice startles me from my perusal, and I can feel a slight blush stain my cheeks.

“Uh, yeah.” I rush forward and sit in the chair across from them. Cecil, clearly not happy about the object of his affection diverting his attention, butts his head into Emmett’s hand. “Oh, I’m sorry. Cecil, no!”

“No, he’s okay.” Emmett resumes his puppy adoration duties with a smile. “I love dogs.” My heart melts a little more as I mentally add another check to the list of Emmett’s perfect qualities. He scratches the spot behind Cecil’s ear and turns his attention back to me with a wolfish grin on his face. “I’m sorry about barging in on you, by the way,” he says in a tone that suggests he is anything but sorry.

Mentally willing my blush down, I nervously wring my hands together and try to move this conversation to safer subjects. “Uh, yeah. About that, why are you here, exactly? And how did you even know where to find me?”

He throws a blindingly beautiful smile my way and I swear I lose the ability to even think coherently for a minute. This man is too good-looking for his own good. “…Charley? Are you okay?”

I shake my head and turn my attention back to Emmett. Did I really just zone out while he was talking? How embarrassing! “What? Yes, I’m fine. What were you saying?” My smile feels plastic, robotic even, but Emmett doesn’t comment on it.

“Right. So, as I was saying, after I ran into you at the gym, and you ran away from me,” he tosses a wink in my direction, and it’s all I can do to keep from covering my face in a vain attempt at hiding. Before I can linger on my embarrassment too long, he continues, “Millie might have given it to me. And told me you wouldn’t mind if I stopped by.

Of course. Millie. “I’m going to kill her.”

He sits up at that, dislodging Cecil, who had been happily napping on his new best friend. “Oh, I’m sorry. I probably should have called first. I just thought...” He stands, looking unsure for the first time since I met him. “I guess I’m not sure what I thought. I should probably go, actually.”

I don’t think, just react. Jumping from my seat so quickly that my knee bounces off the coffee table. “Ow, shoot!” I bend over, grabbing my knee as pain radiates from it.

I look up as a large, warm hand covers my own. “I was right. You really are a menace, woman.” He smiles tenderly at me, taking the bite out of his words. “Here, let me help you.” He guides me back to my seat and helps me lower into it before releasing me.