Page 27 of Dead Weight

“Other than pointy ears and a lilting voice?” She snorted at what she thought was a joke.

“Pointy ears are easily hidden by hair, and I suspect the lilting voice is more nurture than nature, like an accent.”

Hailey started to flip through the books in her arms. “There’s a good book on fae written by a local. You should start with that.”

Yes, I definitely should. “What’s the title?”

“I forget, but I can tell you exactly where it is. Third case down from here, second shelf, fifth book from the left, unless somebody moved it, in which case I will hunt them down and…” She stopped.

“Hunt them down and what?”

“I don’t know. The worst thing I could think of was to make them pay a fine, but that’s not too horrible, is it?”

“It is to me.” I followed her instructions and located the book, entitled The Fae Among Us by Lesley P. Grant. I checked the author’s biography. Lesley’s slender, hypnotic face smiled back at me. Definitely fae blood in her family. According to the bio, Lesley died five years ago. The book would have to do as a primary source.

I returned to Hailey, who was now seated at a nearby table with the books spread out in front of her.

“Did you find it?” she asked.

I held up the book. “Exactly where you said.”

“Phew.” She tapped the book on Albanian mythology directly in front of her. “I don’t think this one has ever been checked out. It’s in perfect condition.” She frowned as she inspected the inside back cover. “Wait, I stand corrected. It was checked out once. Bridger. How about that? I didn’t think anyone from the Bridger family ever used the library. I heard they have their own.”

I peered at the faded library card. “Well, according to the date, it was a long time ago.” Fifty years ago, in fact.

I’d had the misfortune of meeting the Bridger witches when I first moved to Fairhaven. Phaedra was the only one left of their coven, and it was no coincidence that she was the only one I liked. Witches and I generally mixed like citrus and milk. So far, Phaedra had proven to be the exception to the rule, which worked in my favor, given my need for her services.

A piercing scream filled the air. Hailey sat perfectly still and closed her eyes. “I’m in my happy place. I’m in my happy place,” she chanted quietly.

I looked across the room just as a child lofted a book over his head with both hands and chucked it on the floor. Based on the pinched, red face and balled hands, this was gearing up to become a level five tantrum.

Time to go.

I patted Lesley’s book. “I think I’ll take this one. Any others you’d recommend?”

“Save yourself.” Hailey loaded two books into my waiting arms. “Mount Toby is about to blow. I’ll check them out for you.”

“Thanks, Hailey. You’re the best.”

I sprinted to the exit just as a wailing cry erupted. Some dangers weren’t worth the risk.


Iparked outside the house on Walden Lane. Well, it wasn’t so much a house as it was a testament to a bygone era of extravagance. Twin columns supported three massive floors, the second and third each boasting its own generous balcony. Black shutters, chalky white paint, and glossy red double doors completed the look.

I rang the bell, lamenting my casual attire. Never mind that he was blind; my host had a sixth sense when it came to my appearance. Unfortunately, I hadn’t allotted enough time to change between the library and dinner. At least the bandage on my leg was dry.

Otto Visconti was a little vampire who lived in a very big house, although I also lived in a very big house.

But I was taller.

On the other hand, his ego probably took up more space.

Heidi, his housekeeper, answered the door with a gruff nod. Although she wasn’t the friendliest person in the world, she seemed good at her job. Despite the number of times I’d visited, I still couldn’t quite determine whether she liked me or merely tolerated me. Not that it mattered. I was fine with being disliked. West and Josie could attest to that.

“How are you?” I asked, as we walked along the corridor toward the rear of the house.

Her gaze flitted to me. “Fine. Why do you ask?”