Page 139 of Dead Weight

“I’ll tell you later, when I feel more talkative.”

She held up her basket of ingredients. “Should I not bother?”

“You should definitely bother.”

“What good will that do now?”

“Your family’s curse is powerful enough to keep her spirit trapped here for eternity. All the spirits. You can change that.”

Phaedra contemplated the slain body of the kulshedra. “It’s the least I can do.”

I was barely conscious of her movements and chanting. I reserved my remaining strength for my part—where I sent the spirits home.

“It’s done,” she said. “Or I hope it is.”

“I’ll let you know in a minute.”

Phaedra gave me a curious look. “How will you know?”

“If I can help the spirits cross over, then it worked.” Phaedra had demonstrated time and again that I could trust her. When I felt better, I’d tell her the full truth. It was time.

I pushed through the headache and guided the spirits out of the lake. The older spirits were first to go. They drifted skyward and broke into tiny brilliant specks of light as they crossed over. The werewolves were next. They seemed less certain of their surroundings. It was best to help them now, before they remembered too much. Less pain that way.

Last was the kulshedra. The demon’s shade rose from the lake, illuminated by the moonlight. She looked just as incredible in spirit form as in life as it hovered above the surface of the water.

The throbbing in my head intensified. “Rest now, you magnificent creature. Be at peace.”

The kulshedra’s spirit broke apart and blended with the night.

“Rest now,” I murmured.


Phaedra’s voice sounded like it came from a distant plane. I heard shouts and murmurs, but I couldn’t understand the words.

The smell of sandalwood invaded my senses. I tried to see the face hovering above mine, but my vision was too blurry. I breathed a little easier when Kane’s rugged jawline eventually came into focus.

“Where were you?” I whispered.

“The opposite side of the lake. I thought I could attract the kulshedra in my monster form. I’m sorry it didn’t work.”

He’d tried to lure her away from the wolves to save her.

Tears pricked my eyes. “Thank you for trying.”

“Do you need a healer?”

“No, just rest.”

“That can be arranged.” He scooped me into his arms. Feelings of peace and tranquility swept over me. Kane was starting to feel like much more than a dangerous attraction.

He was starting to feel like home.


Bright sunlight pierced my eyelids. I forced them open and was relieved to note the pain was gone. Not only that, but I was tucked under the covers of my own bed.

I flipped aside the covers. Okay, I was in a bra and underpants, so Kane had stripped off my bodysuit and his jacket, which to be fair, were probably filthy. I hoped the vintage jacket was salvageable. My skin screamed for a hot shower, but my stomach gurgled for food.