Page 137 of Dead Weight

“Then why did you lie?”

“I didn’t. My name is Lorelei Clay. I am everything I told you.”

“You are so much more than what you told me.”

My head throbbed. “Can we put a pin in this? There’s a lot to say, and I can’t manage it now.”

“Why didn’t you trust me enough to tell me the truth? Is this because I’m an assassin?” His eyes blazed with recognition. “It wasn’t Nana Pratt expressing misgivings about me, was it? It was you.”

“No, I swear it wasn’t. I don’t judge you or Cam…” I had no right to judge anyone given my own performance tonight.

Gun backed away. “Right. Because the gods are universally known for their kindness and compassion.”

“Gun, you know me.”

“Apparently, I don’t.” He turned and stalked off into the woods.

I’d give him time to cool off. Then maybe he’d forgive me. I hoped.

I struggled to my feet in search of Kane. I found West first. The werewolf was crouched beside the body of the fallen alpha. Orson appeared to have died midshift. There were traces of the black wolf sprouting from his face and arms.

“You okay?” I asked.

“He’s been my worst nightmare for most of my life, and now he’s gone.”

“Not to worry. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, there are more than enough nightmares to go around.”

“That isn’t comforting.”

“Wasn’t meant to be.”

The snap of a twig jolted me. I half expected to see Kane. Instead, Anna stood poised between two oak trees.

“I told you all to go home,” West said.

Anna took hesitant steps toward her alpha. “Sage and her grandmother are safe at home. Thought you’d want to know.”

West’s ears perked up. “You spoke to Sage?”

I realized that West didn’t know about Sage’s altercation with Magnarella. It was probably for the best. The uncertainty would’ve distracted him from the fight.

“She’s the one who called the pack and said you’d been taken in a white van. That’s how we tracked you here.”

I was relieved to know the fairy was unharmed. “Sage is something special, isn’t she?”

“For a fairy,” Anna replied. She glanced at the bloody pulp on the ground. “Is this him?”

West nodded.

Anna spat on the ground beside the lifeless body. “Good. Want me to help you get rid of it? We can dump it right in the lake. It can decompose right next to that three-headed monster.”

“As much as I appreciate your willingness to dispose of a body for me, I’m going to drive the bodies back to Minnesota. I owe it to the pack to tell them what happened.”

Anna flinched. “And then what? Will you stay there as alpha?”

West tilted his head. “Is that what you’ve been worried about this whole time? That I’d abandon Arrowhead?”

Anna lowered her gaze. “I knew if they found you, it would go one of two ways, and both outcomes involved you no longer being our alpha.”