Page 135 of Dead Weight

West. The voice belonged to West.

“Is he dead?”


I exhaled.

It took a few minutes to regain my bearings.

West crouched beside me. “How bad are you hurt?”

“I’ll live.”

“Did you see his worst nightmare?”

I nodded.

“Surprised he had one. What was it?”


West’s eyebrows lifted. “You’re joking.”

I moved to a more comfortable position as my strength returned. “He was afraid of you, West. That’s why he hunted you all these years. He knew how strong you’d become. He feared you’d return to reclaim your place in the pack and kill him, and that the other wolves would embrace you as their leader.”

“Well, one part of his nightmare came true.” West gazed at the lake. “How did you fight those wolves in the lake without touching them?”

“I didn’t fight them.”

He offered a patient smile. “Okay, let’s try a different line of questioning. I know you were responsible for what happened out there. What did you do?”

“The kulshedra killed a lot of people over the years. Their spirits have been trapped here, along with the demon.”

The alpha looked at me with an inscrutable expression. “You controlled them.”


“All of them?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want any bloodshed. I didn’t mean for the wolves to die.”

“If there’s one thing I seem to learn over and over, it’s that life doesn’t always happen the way we want it to. Resistance to that reality only brings pain and suffering. Better to accept what is and keep moving forward.”

I groaned, prompting him to check closer for wounds.

“Your arms are bleeding.”

“It isn’t that. It’s your philosophical outlook on life. Does this mean you’ve accepted my presence in Fairhaven?”

He chuckled. “You had to make it about you, didn’t you?”

I glanced at the woods. “Where’s your pack?”

“I sent them home.”

“Have you seen Kane?”
