Page 35 of Dead Weight

“Magnarella. I believe you’re entertaining my lady friend.”

Lady friend managed to sound worse than girlfriend.

The vampire gestured to me. “Miss Clay and I were simply having a chat about a potential partnership. Business, of course.”

“Of course.” Kane showed his teeth and Magnarella responded in kind. It was the supernatural equivalent of a Wild West showdown.

“I’m hopeful Miss Clay will see what an incredible opportunity this is.”

“It’s incredible all right,” I said.

Kane stifled a laugh.

“I expect to hear from you by noon tomorrow,” Magnarella said.

“What will happen if I decline your generous offer?”

“Let’s start with the gala and go from there, shall we?”

“I’ll be sure to give you my answer loud and clear.”

Kane escorted me from the compound with one arm wrapped around my waist. Although I’d grown accustomed to taking care of myself ever since Pops died, I had to admit, it was nice to feel supported.

We walked in silence until we reached his car in the driveway.

“What was that all about?” Kane asked.

I got into the car. The interior smelled like Kane—pine, sandalwood, and musk, but with an extra hint of mint. “His previous partners cut ties with him, and he wants a new playmate. How did you know to find me here?”

The demon set my thankfully undamaged phone in the cupholder between us. “Otto called. His housekeeper found your phone in the driveway and noticed your truck was still there.”


“If that’s her name.”

My chest expanded. Maybe she liked me, after all.

Not that it mattered.

“Did Magnarella threaten you?” Kane asked, as the car passed through the compound gates and joined the road.

“Does a werewolf howl at the moon? Naturally. He can’t help himself.”

“Why you?”

“He recognizes I have power, although he doesn’t know the extent or the nature of it. He thinks having me as his business partner is better than having me as his enemy.”

And he would be right.

Kane’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “What will he do if you say no?”

“You heard him. He wasn’t specific, but I imagine it involves entrails and eye sockets.”

Kane heaved a sigh. “He’s an idiot. He had a chance to walk away from all this. He should’ve taken it.”

“I agree. I can’t believe Edmonds is still there. I thought for sure he’d be long gone.”

“Perhaps the vampire also made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.”