Page 30 of Dead Weight

“Thank you, Heidi. No need to apologize. We’ll be there in a moment.” He paused. “I hope I didn’t embarrass you in front of my guest earlier. You’re excellent at your job, and I appreciate your hard work. If my request suggested otherwise, I sincerely apologize.”

Heidi’s mouth dropped open. “Thank you, sir. I take my duties very seriously.”

“I know you do, and Lorelei was kind enough to remind me of that.”

Heidi’s gaze darted to me. “I will bring you hot cocoa after dinner. I have a new caramel drizzle for the whipped cream.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Otto said.

Heidi withdrew.

Otto pushed himself to a standing position. “You scored brownie points.”

“More like caramel drizzle points.” And now I was thinking about caramel drizzle on a brownie. Great.

Otto and I walked the short distance to the study.

“How did you meet Monique?”


“Dating app?”

“Actually, a gaming site. We started with online chess. Luckily for me, she enjoys all sorts of games.”

I wouldn’t touch that statement with a ten-inch pole while wearing a hazmat suit.

“Is she local?”

“No, she lives in the city, but she works from home, which leaves her schedule more flexible.” His fangs popped out as we entered the study.

“You’re thinking about her flexibility now, aren’t you?”

“Is it that obvious?”

I shuddered. “Let’s stop talking about Monique. I want to enjoy my caramel drizzle later.”

Otto seated himself on the piano bench. “Very well then. What’s new with you?”

I leaned my forearms on top of the piano. Not a dust bunny in sight. “I need to find a fairy.”

“You’re a detective now?”

“Not officially, but I told this guy I’d help him out.”

“What’s in it for you? A matching inflatable swan for your boyfriend?”

“Kane isn’t my boyfriend. And one swan is enough for my moat.”

“Are you certain? It’s a big moat.”

“If I added a second swan, he’d call dibs on the black one, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable on the white one. One swan is better.”

His fingertips tapped a few piano keys. “You’ve already given this some thought.”

“No,” I said, quickly enough to recognize that maybe I had.

“Do you like each other?”